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University of Silesia in Katowice

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New monograph of employees of the Faculty in the Springer publishing house

21.09.2021 - 09:16 update 21.09.2021 - 09:24
Editors: lukaszmalarzewski

The monograph “Climate Change in Poland – Past, Present, Future” was published in June 2021 by Springer Nature Switzerland AG in the Springer Climate series. The book was edited by dr hab. Małgorzata Falarz, professor of the University of Silesia from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and is a joint work of Polish climatologists. 36 scientists – specialists of various fields of climatology, from many scientific centers in Poland, including eight universities, two technical universities, Polish Academy of Science and Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute contributed to the publication of the monograph. The book is an extensive monographic work. It consists of three main parts: the first concerns the results of climate change research in Poland in the pre-instrumental period in the last millennium, the second presents long-term changes and variability of 36 climatic characteristics for 14 climate elements, circulation and bioclimatic indices, meteorological phenomena and weather types reaching the oldest meteorological records from the late eighteenth century. The monograph is complemented by its third part, presenting scenarios of climate change in Poland until 2100, taking into account indices related to the energy demand and agriculture. More than 80% of the results presented in this monograph are the results of new studies, not yet published, which were carried out specifically for the purposes of this book.

The co-authors of the monograph are seven employees of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Silesia:

Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Niedźwiedź,
Dr hab. Zuzanna Bielec-Bąkowska, prof. UŚ,
Dr hab. Małgorzata Falarz, prof. UŚ,
Dr hab. Ewa Łupikasza, prof. UŚ,
Dr hab. Magdalena Opała-Owczarek, prof. UŚ,
Dr Łukasz Małarzewski,
MSc Tomasz Budzik.

A part of the review:

 I have now read the book on climate change in Poland. […] I learned a lot about the climate of that part of the world, and it provides a sound basis for thinking about policy settings to avoid the negativities and risks of possible future climate trajectories. As the first detailed analysis of its kind for that part of Europe it has much to offer for surrounding countries and across into Ukraine and the Baltic States. […] I congratulate the authors not only for their analysis but also for co-ordinating it into a very coherent book. Many edited books fail to achieve the latter.

 Falarz M. (ed.) (2021) Climate Change in Poland – Past, Present, Future. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Springer Climate, Cham, pp. 581, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-70328-8 ISBN 978-3-030-70327-1

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