


IPSA<\/h3> \r\n
\r\n The International Political Science Association (IPSA)<\/strong> was established in Paris in 1949 under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The association\u2019s fundamental goal, as expressed in its official documents, involves supporting the development of political science around the world and, through this, building an integrated network of research communities whose work focuses on political science.<\/p>\n

The IPSA\u2019s activities support its mission. The Association integrates national political science associations and initiates cooperation between them. It also supports the development of other international and regional political science entities. The pursuit of the association\u2019s goals is also supported by publication activity consisting in running the following journals: Political Science Review, International Political Science Abstract, World Political Science, Participation, as well as the IPSA Portal, where researchers from all over the world publish their analyses. Every two years, the IPSA holds World Congresses of Political Sciences, and it also runs summer methodological schools.<\/p>\n

Employees of the IPS have been participating in projects initiated by the IPSA.<\/p>\n

More details available on the IPSA<\/a> website. \r\n