{"id":14083,"date":"2019-11-05T20:26:35","date_gmt":"2019-11-05T19:26:35","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/us.edu.pl\/student\/?page_id=14083"},"modified":"2024-01-10T12:44:48","modified_gmt":"2024-01-10T11:44:48","slug":"pomoc-psychologiczna-nasz-zespol","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/us.edu.pl\/student\/en\/wsparcie-i-fundusze\/pomoc-psychologiczna-nasz-zespol\/","title":{"rendered":"Psychological support (our team)"},"content":{"rendered":"




Psychological support at the University of Silesia<\/h3>\r\n

If you are a student or doctoral student at the University of Silesia, you can receive free university psychological support. The Student Service Centre employs psychologists to whom you can consult. If you encounter hardships that are difficult to overcome, you should first look for information about them. We invite you to read the articles available on the website www.wiecjestem.us.edu.pl<\/a> which presents the most common problems that young people face and suggestions on how to deal with these problems. However, if you feel that you cannot handle the problem yourself and would like to discuss it with a specialist, please contact us via email psycholog@us.edu.pl to set the date of the meeting.<\/p>\n

You can report to a psychologist in any situation where you feel that a conversation could help you. Particularly consider this possibility when:<\/p>\n