Kolegium Elektorów | Szkoła Doktorska https://us.edu.pl/szkola-doktorska/en Witryna sieci „Uniwersytet Śląski” Wed, 06 Dec 2023 12:01:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.10 https://us.edu.pl/szkola-doktorska/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/Strona-główna/favicon/favicon_navy_white.png Kolegium Elektorów | Szkoła Doktorska https://us.edu.pl/szkola-doktorska/en 32 32 A call for candidates to represent doctoral students in the Electoral College is hereby announced https://us.edu.pl/szkola-doktorska/en/2023/12/06/oglasza-sie-nabor-kandydatur-na-osoby-reprezentujace-spolecznosc-doktorancka-w-kolegium-elektorow/ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 11:53:01 +0000 https://us.edu.pl/szkola-doktorska/?p=9173 [...]


The post A call for candidates to represent doctoral students in the Electoral College is hereby announced first appeared on Szkoła Doktorska.


Candidates for doctoral student representatives in the College of Electors may be proposed by any doctoral student.

Applications should be submitted by 13 December 2023 to the e-mail address michal.gebicki@us.edu.pl. In your application, please indicate the year and field of study and briefly justify your candidature. In the case of a nomination of another person, the message must be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee.

The URSD will select 2 persons from among the nominations submitted to sit on the Electoral College.

The post A call for candidates to represent doctoral students in the Electoral College is hereby announced first appeared on Szkoła Doktorska.
