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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Game Lab Center
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game lab | stories


Zdjęcie portretowe Mateusza Dąbrowskiego


I am the leader of an international team under the GAME LAB CHALLENGE project. I produce video games. I am also an active concept artist and a 3D graphic designer. I seek new methods of working on video games, and I look for solutions that will lead to their implementation in a project.

I usually work in a team in order to realise new ideas and implement them. I’ve been developing my skills in the creation of video games in the Game and Virtual Reality Design programme at the University of Silesia for four years. Video games became my passion much earlier, because I was a keen gamer from an early age. Inspired by some productions, I tried to design my own solutions already as a teenager. Nowadays it is my profession.

I am involved in creating virtual reality. I worked at the commercial game “Blair Witch: Oculus Quest Edition,” released for Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2 platforms. Currently, in cooperation with the Institute of IDEAS (Institute for Immersive Designs, Experiences, Applications, and Stories) at the American University in Washington, I am designing “Royal Game Of Ur, ”a virtual reality game for the Oculus Rift platform. I was a co-organiser of 2020 Silesia Game Jam at the University of Silesia in Katowice as part of the Global Game Jam initiative.


Zdjęcie portretowe Seav Mey Taing


I am a junior at Northern Illinois University, United States. I am majoring in Visual Communication and minoring in Chinese Language.

I am joining the Game Lab Challenge with University of Silesia in Katowice team to create a functioning video game about the mutations of nature.

In our team, I am responsible for user interface game design and the meeting schedule. I help the connecting between our foreign members and our group leader. I need to make sure our members understand their weekly tasks and answer their questions about the meeting schedule.


Trzy zdjęcia portretowe: Pauliny Rudzińskiej, Adriana Kusia i Mateusza Jaworzyna


We were asked to prepare a digital 3D stage design for the project of the interactive film “Vera.” We received several dozens of models created in the photogrammetry technique, which had to be adapted to the technology limits. It was primarily a technical challenge, as never before have we worked at a stage that was to be displayed in augmented reality (AR).

Based on the film project, we designed the interior of the bar, in which two holograms of actors engage in a conversation. The interior had to be well-thought-out in respect of the available polygon count, which was limited by the equipment on which the film was to be screened.

Another challenge was the narrow range of values that were correctly displayed in AR goggles. The colours could not be dark, because the actors’ models were black and hardly visible. We solved the problem by providing textures with the features of impressionist painting. The vivid colours were clearly visible in most cases of domestic lighting, and the relationship between warm and cool colours (unlike dark and light colours) allowed for the depth of the designed models to be preserved.

Eventually, we created a stylised stage with the building and interior in which the film was set, as well as the realistic version that consisted only of the interior.

Currently, we are working on creating a stage design for the songs from the film Les Miserables.

In the photo (from the left): Mateusz Jaworzyn, Adrian Kuś and Paulina Rudzińska

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