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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Game Lab Center
Logo European City of Science 2024

Małgorzata Łuszczak

21.02.2024 - 13:28 update 27.02.2024 - 10:37
Editors: Adam Piotrowski


Zdjęcie portretowe prof. Małgorzaty Łuszczak


Professor Małgorzata Łuszczak, PhD, intermedia Artist, promoter of digital culture. Associated with the University of Silesia in Katowice and the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Her work spans drawing, graphics, animation, spatial art, and digital media. She combines traditional tools with digital printing and augmented reality (AR). For years, she has been conducting research on the possibilities of perception and the influence of digital tools on creation, starting from the observation of natural and cultural landscapes.

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