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University of Silesia in Katowice

  • Polski
  • English
Game Lab Center
Logo European City of Science 2024


23.02.2024 - 14:15, update 27.02.2024 - 11:00
Editors: MK

On July 16-17 this year a multidisciplinary scientific conference was held in Europe, ESOF2022, where the game Lab Project financed by NAWA was presented.

During the conference, there were many debates and discussions about new discoveries and directions of research in the sciences, humanities, social and artistic sciences.

ESOF2022 was attended by representatives of the broadly understood gaming industry represented by, inter alia, young scientists, researchers, business people, entrepreneurs, innovators, policy makers, science and technology promoters and the general public from all over Europe.

The conference was attended by representatives of the rector’s authorities and administration prof. Ryszard Koziołek – Rector of the University of Silesia, prof. Tomasz Pietrzykowski – vice-rector for international and national cooperation dr Katarzyna Trynda, prof. UŚ – Vice-Rector for Education and Students

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