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University of Silesia in Katowice

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research centre


international environmental research


Our primary task is mitigating the main environmental issues along with related social problems. We conduct research, lead research projects, disseminate knowledge and technologies developed together by Polish and Chinese scientists.

We implement results of the research and developed technologies in areas presently endangered by environmental hazards which cause social problems. Thus, we improve the living conditions of inhabitants in areas where we conduct our research.

mission of the Centre

Rozlewisko rzeki i pokryte czerwonym osadem kamienie. Na brzegu stoi grupka ludzi

Main areas of the research activity

The Centre offers scientific cooperation on numerous research topics, including:

  • botany
  • climate change
  • dendrochronology
  • geochemistry
  • geohazards
  • geomorphology
  • palaeontology
  • urban development

krajobraz: na pierwszym planie kamienista dolina, w tle ośnieżone góry

Currently, the Centre is implementing projects concerning the detection of areas endangered by landslides, debris flows, and rock avalanches in the Sino-Tibetan Mountains (Sichuan Province, China).

Risk maps are developed for the occurrence of geological and geomorphological hazards in selected areas. These actions will aid in managing investments in hazardous areas, which will reduce the losses caused by natural disasters.

krajobraz: lekko górzysty teren pokryty kamieniami, chmury na niebie

The Centre initiated research on climate change recorded in the annual increments of shrubs growing in areas located in northwest China, mainly in the Junggar Basin.

These studies aim to provide, among all, information on the record of desertification in the annual increments of shrubs growing in the arid and semi-arid climates. This research will improve understanding of environmental changes in areas endangered by desertification and increasing water deficit.


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