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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Obserwatorium Procesów Miejskich i Metropolitalnych
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The Observatory is a partnership of eight universities and research and development centres of the Silesian Voivodeship

experts representing 8 institutions and universitites
experts representing 8 institutions and universitites
realised research projects
realised research projects
thematic research teams
thematic research teams

Observatory’s mission

Through the establishment of the Observatory, the founding institutions can provide their communities with top-tier substantive support in navigating complex endeavours related to urban policy, the development of metropolitan institutions and policies, and other developmental initiatives. The quality of these efforts will shape the future of Silesia for generations to come, making it essential to engage all available intellectual resources in the region. The  Observatory of Urban and Metropolitan Processes was created precisely to facilitate access to these vital resources.

prof. Tomasz Pietrzykowski
Vice-Rector for International and Domestic Cooperation
(University of Silesia in Katowice)

The Observatory strives to integrate the scientific and expert potential of its affiliated universities and research centres so as to put it at the disposal of local and regional authorities as well as the social and economic environment. The Observatory acts as a “one-stop shop solution” for all entities in need of reliable information and expert support

prof. Robert Pyka
Plenipotentiary of the Rector for Observatory
of Urban and Metropolitan Processes

(University of Silesia in Katowice)

What sets us apart?

Our advantage lies in combining the knowledge and competencies of academics experienced in various fields within a structure that is operationally efficient, organizationally flexible, and responsive, thus ready to quickly meet the needs of stakeholders. The strength of the Observatory also lies in the very broad spectrum of issues addressed by our team of affiliated experts.

Values and principles

Grafika: rzetelność i obiektywizm (uścisk dłoni, koło zębate) Grafika: profesjonalizm i reaktywność (głowa, reakcja, koła zębate)

Reliability & Objectivism

Professionalism & Reactivity

Grafika: współpraca i synergia (atom, połączenie) Grafika: praca dla społeczeństwa (dłonie, grupa osób, koło zębate)

Cooperation & Synergy

Work for the Society

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