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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Logo European City of Science 2024

Best of the best – we know the winners of EUCYS 2024!

18.09.2024 - 14:57 update 18.09.2024 - 15:03
Editors: AA

The finals of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) bringing together promising young scientists from around the world have officially concluded. During the award ceremony, which took place on 13 September in Katowice (Poland), the European Union prizes were presented.

Among the awards were the following Transform4Europe prizes:

Our sincere congratulations to the winners and we wish you continued success in your scientific careers!

EUCYS, the European Union Contest for Young Scientists, is the most important European contest for young scientists organised by the European Commission since 1989. Each year a different city hosts the contest. In 2024, it was Katowice – the European City of Science 2024. The University of Silesia in Katowice, which is part of the Transform4Europe Alliance, is the leader of the Academic Consortium Katowice City of Science.

Detailed information: https://us.edu.pl/en/najlepsi-z-najlepszych-znamy-zwyciezcow-eucys-2024

Scena EUCYS 2024 Fot. Katarzyna Suchańska

EUCYS 2024 Stage | Photo by Katarzna Suchańska

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