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University of Silesia in Katowice

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T4EU Week for students

28.02.2024 - 15:27 update 07.03.2024 - 13:42
Editors: OO

Transform4Europe invites 1st cycle and 2nd cycle students to take part in T4EU Week, taking place from 20 to 24 May 2024, organised by the University of Primorska in Koper (Slovenia) and the University of Trieste (Italy).

The event takes place under the theme ‘Beyond Borders’. Participants will have a chance to take up courses and receive ECTS credits and certificates with their completion:

  • Buildings design driven by new European Bauhaus – BA and MA students: material science, architecture, civil engineering,
  • Heritage beyond borders for societal transformation: interpretation and education – BA and MA students: primarily from the humanities, arts, and social sciences fields,
  • Exploring methods for multicultural social science research in the contemporary era – BA and MA students: social science disciplines,
  • Environmental genomics – MA students: biology, environmental sciences, bioinformatics,
  • Symmetry in graphs – BA and MA students: mathematics, computer science,
  • Suicide without borders – BA and MA students: psychology, public health, medicine, social work,
  • Digital marketing and consumers behaviour – BA students,
  • Collaborative innovation and design of solutions in tourism – BA and MA students: tourism management, hospitality or related fields.

Find more details about the courses in the catalogue and at transform4europe.eu.

Note: Travel, food, and accommodation costs for 10 selected students will be financed from the T4EU budget based on the mobility application and the travel expenses reimbursement agreement.

The benefits include: transport by a coach organised by the University of Silesia, stay in a hotel room (double or multiple-person rooms) in Koper or Trieste booked by the University of Silesia, per diem allowances according to the current rates, i.e. €45 or €53 per diem, respectively; your per diem amounts will be deducted if the meals are provided by the organising partner universities.

The trip takes place based on the rules and regulations stipulated in the USil Rector’s Regulation No. 71/2021. Each participant is obliged to submit the statement of expenses incurred to the International Mobility Settlement Office within 14 days from the date of returning from the trip. We recommend that you read all information available on the website dedicated to trips abroad.

The application form for USil students is available on the website at formularze.us.edu.pl.

The number of participants is limited. The participants will be selected based on the assessment of applications for individual courses. You can send your applications by 15 March 2024. Priority is given to people who have not yet participated in T4EU Week trips to partner universities.

Moreover, the universities organising the event are responsible for assigning students to modules; they also reserve the right to make necessary changes (e.g. if there is an insufficient number of participants for a given course, it will not be launched).

The selected people will be qualified for the trip taking place on 19–25 May 2024; the participants depart as one group. There is no possibility of making the stay shorter or longer and departing from or arriving at a different location than the rest of the group.

In case you have any questions, feel free to contact the Transform4Europe Office at transform4europe@us.edu.pl.

osoby uczestniczące w T4EU Entrepreneurship School

Photo by Olimpia Orządała

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