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Damian Absalon, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor, Chairman of the National Water Management Council

20.06.2020 - 08:51 update 16.12.2021 - 17:26
Editors: MK
Tags: rada gospodarki wodnej

During the inaugural meeting of the National Water Management Council (PRGW), which took place on 16 June 2020 in Warsaw, Damian Absalon, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor, was nominated as the chairman of the Council by the Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, Anna Moskwa.
The National Water Management Council consists of 34 members and was established as a consultative and advisory body for the minister competent for water management by the Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation for the years 2020-2023 on the basis of the Water Law Act.
The task of the Council is to draw up and prepare the documents for the minister competent for water management that include opinions, proposals, and conclusions on water management as well as protection against floods and the effects of drought, particularly:
1) Presenting proposals and conclusions regarding improvement of the condition of water resources and protection against floods and the effects of drought;
2) Giving their opinion on planning concepts and projects;
3) Expressing opinions on draft programmes for implementing tasks connected with water maintenance and the other properties of the State Treasury that are related to water management and any planned investments in water economy;
4) Expressing their opinion on drafts of the normative acts that regulate the issues of water management;
5) Expressing their opinions on matters that are commissioned by the minister competent for water management.

Information about the inaugural meeting of PRGW is available on the ministerial website.

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