Prof. dr hab. Oimahmad Rahmonov, Dr Katarzyna Pukowiec-Kurda and Dr Michał Sobala, during the field studies in Tajikistan, assessed the geotouristic potential of the Fann Mountains. This mountain range is characterised by unspoiled nature, and tourism has just started to develop there. For this reason, it is an excellent area for studying the potential of tourism development to ensure its sustainability.
The hydrological geosites were assessed in the article “The Assessment of Hydrogeosites in the Fann Mountains, Tajikistan as a Basis for Sustainable Tourism” published in the “Resources”. The Fann Mountains are rich in water, which is not typical of Central Asia. In addition to the commonly used criteria for the geosites valorization, the authors propose to consider the assessment of the surrounding (landscape), thus ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the geotouristic potential of the Fann Mountains.
The article is available here: More information about field studies in Tajikistan is available here:
Pukowiec-Kurda K, Rahmonov O, Sobala M, Myga-Piątek U. The Assessment of Hydrogeosites in the Fann Mountains, Tajikistan as a Basis for Sustainable Tourism. Resources. 2021; 10(12):126.