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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Institute of Earth Sciences
Logo European City of Science 2024


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Geochemical markers in the detection and identification of fossil fuels in waste material from an illegal landfill fire

Geochemical markers are a valuable tool in identifying of coal- and oil-derived con-tamination in fires at illegal landfills. They can survive combustion with their distributions mostly unchanged, allowing them to be used to identify the source of pollutants and charac-terize any fossil fuels present in the combusted material. The tested samples of burnt solid waste...

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How does tourist development influence traditional mountain landscapes? A case study from the Western Beskids, Poland

In many mountain regions, the reforestation of mid-forest glades, the development of settlements, and tourism lead to the disappearance of traditional landscapes, which have defined the individual areas for many years. On the other hand, tourism is often seen as a panacea for preserving traditional landscapes. Dr Anna Żemła-Siesicka and Dr Michał Sobala are currently...

Categories: enNews

How to obtain free, high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs)?

To obtain high-resolution digital elevation models, the so-called DEMs, all you need is a camera, simple measurements and free software (fig. 1). Thanks to the use of the Structure from Motion photogrammetric technique, a very accurate model can be obtained with a raster field size of only 5 cm × 5 cm. Dr Joanna Szafraniec...

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