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1 h 5 hg56
  1. Ulańczyk R., Kliś C., Absalon D., Ruman M., 2018, Mathematical modelling as a tool for the assessment of impact of thermodynamics on the algal growth in dam reservoirs – case study of the Goczalkowice Reservoir, Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Vol. 29, No 1(75), 21-29.
  2. Absalon D., Matysik M., 2016, Zmiany odpływu w silnie zurbanizowanych zlewniach województwa śląskiego, [w:] Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej PAN, z. 29, s. 175-185, ISSN 0867-7816;
  3. Absalon D., Kubiciel P., Matysik M., Ruman M., 2015, Nowoczesne metody pomiaru przepływu w rzekach, [w:] Absalon D., Matysik M., Ruman M. (red.), 2015, Nowoczesne metody i rozwiązania w hydrologii i gospodarce wodnej, Monografie Komisji Hydrologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, t. 3, Komisja Hydrologiczna PTG, PTG Oddział Katowicki, Sosnowiec, 27-43. (ISBN 978-83-61695-26-4.
  4. Matysik M., Absalon D., Ruman M., 2015, Surface Water Quality in Relation to Land Cover in Agricultural Catchments (Liswarta River Basin Case Study), Pol J Environ Stud, Vol. 24, No. 1, 87–96.
  5. Polkowska Ż., Wolska L, Łęczyński L., Ruman M., Lehmann S., Kozak K., Matysik M., Absalon D., 2015, Estimating the Impact of Inflow on the Chemistry of Two Different Caldera Type Lakes Located on the Bali Island (Indonesia), Water, 7(4), 1712-1730.
  6. Absalon D., Kostecki M., Łaszczyca P., Matysik M., Ruman M., 2014, Ciągły monitoring automatyczny a monitoring klasyczny – alternatywa czy dopełnienie metod oceny jakości wody, Gospodarka Wodna, 8, 296-299.
  7. Ruman M., Olkowska E., Kozioł K., Absalon D., Matysik M., Polkowska Ż., 2014, Reducing Monitoring Costs in Industrially Contaminated Rivers: Cluster and Regression Analysis Approach, Journal of Environmental Quality, 43, 753–762.
  8. Kozak M., Absalon D., 2014, Modelowanie wezbrań w zlewniach miejskich na przykładzie Bielska-Białej, [w:] T. Ciupa, R. Suligowski (red.), Monografie Komisji Hydrologicznej PTG, t. 2., 117-125. (ISBN 978-83-60026-50-2).
  9. Absalon D., Ślesak B., 2012, Air Temperature Increase and Quality of Life in an Anthropogenically Transformed Environment: A Case Study, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., Vol. 21, No. 2, 235–239.
  10. Szumińska D., Absalon D., 2012, Transformation of a Water Network in a Moraine Upland-Outwash Plain-Valley Landscape, Pol J Environ Stud, Vol. 21, No. 2, s. 259-265
  11. Matysik M., Absalon D., 2012, Renaturization Plan for a River Valley Subject to High Human Impact – Hydrological Aspects, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., Vol. 21, No. 2, 249–257.
  12. Absalon D., Ślesak B., 2011, The Importance of Time of Exposure to Harmful Anthropogenic Factors as an Element of Cancer Risk Assessment in Children, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74, 967–973.
  13. Absalon D., Ślesak B., 2010, The Effects of Changes in Cadmium and Lead Air Pollution on Cancer Incidence in Children, Science of the Total Environment, 408/20, 4420–4428.
  14. Absalon D., 2010, Water Management and Treatment, [in:] Warf B. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Geography. SAGE Publications, 3056 – 3062;
  15. Absalon D., Matysik M., 2007, Changes in Water Quality and Runoff in the Upper Oder River Basin, Geomorphology, 92, 106–118;
  16. Absalon D., Czaja S., Jankowski A. T., 2007, Factors Influencing Floods in the Urbanized and Industrialized Areas (the Kłodnica Catchment Case Study), Geographia Polonica, Vol. 80, No. 2, Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Warszawa, 97–109.
  17. Absalon D., Jankowski A.T., Leśniok M., 2004, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Environmental Research and Water Management, Miscellanea Geographica, vol. 11, Warszawa, 333-347.
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