We are pleased to inform you that Robert Pyka, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor became an expert and reviewer of the French National Agency for Scientific Research (Agence Nationale de la Recherche – ANR), which is the equivalent of the Polish National Science Centre.
As a member of the international team of ANR evaluators, which met in Paris at the end of April, he reviewed projects as part of the ‘Sustainable cities, innovative buildings’ competition – ‘Ville Durable et bâtiment innovant’ https://anr.fr/fr/france-2030/france2030/call/pepr-solutions-pour-la-ville-durable-et-le-batiment-innovant-appel-a-projets-ville-durable-et-bat/
At the same time, Prof. Robert Pyka was invited to the jury of the Grand Prix Urbanisme 2024 competition (Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme 2024), organised by the French Ministry of Ecological Transformation and Territorial Cohesion. The jury, which met at the end of April in La Défense in Paris, included only three foreign experts: prof. Robert Pyka, Philippe Close, Mayor of Brussels, and Sara Ortiz, a Spanish sociologist and urban planner.
Robert Pyka, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor