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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Faculty of Social Sciences
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USil researchers in the ‘Science & Society bilateral initiative in social sciences, arts and humanities’ project of the National Science Centre

21.11.2024 - 08:55 update 26.11.2024 - 09:08
Editors: violettakulik

At the beginning of September this year, the predefined initiative ‘Science & Society bilateral initiative in social sciences, arts and humanities’ was launched. 14 partners from Poland and 9 partners from Norway were involved in the cooperation.
The project is set to span 8 months from 1 September 2024 until 30 April 2025, and its budget is EUR 586,500.

Scientists from the University of Silesia in Katowice: Agnieszka Skorupa, PhD and Dariusz Ignatiuk, PhD are mainly involved in tasks aimed at improving cooperation between the worlds of science and politics and improving the transfer of knowledge.

The project also entails studies assessing cooperation with the scientific community and a workshop with the participation of scientists, political advisors, representatives of state institutions, business, NGOs and the media. The expected results include: improvement of decision-making processes, better communication between scientists and politicians, development of practical solutions for better cooperation and transfer of knowledge to society.

Financing is guaranteed from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 (https://eeagrants.org/).

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