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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Beata Zielosko | Spain

15.10.2021 - 10:33 update 05.11.2021 - 12:31
Editors: jp
Tags: erasmus+

Our journeys | Our stories


Erasmus+ | Spain | Huelva

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Why do I want to share my Erasmus+ Staff mobility for teaching experience with you? So that you are encouraged to participate in it.

There is also another reason. Thinking about the time I spent on the Erasmus trip brings back beautiful memories and many positive experiences. I think that in a situation where you plan your stay on your own, even the time spent preparing can bring back many pleasant thoughts and feelings. After all, visiting new places can be quite scary, but you can also treat it as a challenge. When it turns out that everything went according to the plan, you get a sense of satisfaction that you managed to handle the situation well.

And there is one more thing, perhaps the most important one. The Erasmus programme involves both working and studying, so the opportunities to experience new things, meet interesting people, and visit beautiful places are all important arguments in favour of it.

Where did I go to? Since I like the Mediterranean climate and am passionate about Spain, my university of choice was Universidad de Huelva. It was 2015, and I was able to see then how many students benefit from international exchange and the advantages of the Erasmus+ programme. It is an opportunity not only to expand your knowledge, but also to increase the integration of European culture, improve your language skills, and meet interesting people, which can give rise to long-term cooperation. During the trip, you can also see many interesting places and visit local attractions, which later allows you to fondly remember those moments.

My time at the Universidad de Huelva passed quickly and with high intensity, but the experience, contacts, and beautiful memories have stayed with me!

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