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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Institute of Earth Sciences
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What do the archival maps not tell us about the historical land use of the glades in the Polish Carpathians?

07.10.2021 - 11:24 update 07.10.2021 - 11:26
Editors: lukaszmalarzewski

The historical range of arable fields in the mid-forest glades in the Silesian and Żywiec-Kisuce Beskid was greater than the one indicated on archival maps. This is the main conclusion of the studies conducted by Dr Michał Sobala from the Landscape Research Group in the “Miniatura 3” project, supported by the National Science Centre Poland (grant number 2019/03/X/ST10/00775).

The study consisted in comparing the range of arable fields presented on the Austrian cadastral maps from 1848 with the range of terrain forms typical for agricultural land use (agricultural terraces, lynchets, stone mounds and walls). These terrain forms were reconstructed based on LiDAR data and during field mapping. This comparison showed that the archival maps did not record the maximum range of arable fields in glades. That sheds entirely new light on the issue of the historical land use structure in the Polish Carpathians.

Information about the studies was also presented on the cover of the Journal of Mountain Science: http://jms.imde.ac.cn/image/image_gallery?uuid=1bd7b58d-5e1e-4934-ad7b-b645a8ad27f0&groupId=21915&t=1628820061396

Sobala M (2021) Do historical maps show the maximal anthropopressure in the Carpathians?. Journal of Mountain Science 18(8).


Opis przeprowadzonych badań na okładce czasopisma „Journal of Mountain Science”
Opis przeprowadzonych badań na okładce czasopisma „Journal of Mountain Science”
Anthropogenic terrain forms: a) stone mound, b) stone wall, c) lynchet, d) terraces.
Anthropogenic terrain forms: a) stone mound, b) stone wall, c) lynchet, d) terraces.
Linear anthropogenic terrain forms connected with former agricultural activity: lynchets (red lines) and terraces or stone walls (white lines).
Linear anthropogenic terrain forms connected with former agricultural activity: lynchets (red lines) and terraces or stone walls (white lines).
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