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University of Silesia in Katowice

  • Polski
  • English
Faculty of Humanities
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Studies in philosophy let you acquire general knowledge of the history of philosophical ideas and thoughts, as well as practical skills and social competencies that are increasingly demanded in the labour market full of highly specialised employees. The acquired knowledge allows you to look critically at the modern world. Distance and openness towards everyday matters, in turn, make it possible to come up with creative solutions. Additionally, practical skills in the field of critical analysis of information, logical thinking, formulating and justifying opinions, as well as understanding complex phenomena of the modern world provide excellent tools used by modern intellectuals who are not afraid to have their own opinion among ubiquitous stereotypes and superstitions.


The philosophy degree programme offers a teaching model based on the principles of tutoring. Such a method of conducting classes focuses on an individualised, project-based education path tailored to the needs of a specific student (programmes: Masters of Didactics, One University – Many Possibilities. The Integrated Programme, or Humanists’ University at the University of Silesia in Katowice).

Contact us:

Barbara Staroń
e-mail: barbara.staron@us.edu.pl

mgr Anna Musiał
e-mail: anna.musial@us.edu.pl

tel.: 32 359 12 17
Katowice, ul. Bankowa 11
pokój: 20

1st and 2nd cycle studies


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