We are happy to inform you that Maciej Zubko, PhD from the Institute of Materials Engineering has been chosen as the only Polish member of the Commission on Electron Crystallography. The Commission operates within the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr).
Electron Crystallography is a field of science dealing with studying the structure of materials with the use of electron beam. It is currently one of the most dynamically developing branch of crystallography. The applied research methods allow for imaging the structure of materials with the use of electron microscopy and determining the crystal structure of objects through the electron diffraction. Thanks to the application of the method of electron beam precession, it is possible to determine the crystal structure of objects of a size of even several dozens of nanometres.
The International Union of Crystallography is an organisation that aims to standardise the symbols and nomenclature, promote crystallography, and organise international conferences and congresses about crystallography.
![ZubkoMaciej_1 zdjęcia Macieja Zubko](https://us.edu.pl/wydzial/wnst/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/Nieprzypisane/ZubkoMaciej_1.jpg)
The International Union of Crystallography: https://www.iucr.org
The Polish Academy of Sciences: https://komkryst.pan.pl
The Institute of Materials Engineering Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/instytut.inzynierii.materialowej