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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Faculty of Science and Technology
Logo European City of Science 2024

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VINCI students in physics discipline about Summer School

During the completed summer interdisciplinary school VINCI – Dive into science, we hosted students from various countries around the world. Among them were: Lena from Serbia, Carlos from Spain, Mohamed from Egypt, Hamza from Nigeria and Shedrack from Nigeria, who carried out their projects during workshops in the discipline of physics. All five physicists were...

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Fujio Masuoka

TOGETHER WE WILL BUILD THE FUTURE THE FIELD GAME fot. pl.wikipedia.org Fujio Masuoka Fujio Masuoka – Japanese engineer, inventor of flash memory Did you know that… Flash memory is a non-volatile memory, now commonly used in cards, flash drives, SSD drives, and equipped with smartphones, tablets, GPS receivers. Flash memory consists of numerous memory cells...

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Fabiola Gianotti

TOGETHER WE WILL BUILD THE FUTURE THE FIELD GAME fot. pl.wikipedia.org Fabiola Gianotti Fabiola Gianotti – Italian particle physicist, first woman to become director general of CERN in Switzerland Did you know that… The research being carried out at CERN focuses on the analysis of elementary particles – the smallest elements of the matter of...

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Maria Goeppert-Mayer

TOGETHER WE WILL BUILD THE FUTURE THE FIELD GAME fot. pl.wikipedia.org Maria Goeppert-Mayer Maria Goeppert-Mayer – an American physicist born in Katowice, Poland, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics for her “discoveries concerning the shell structure of the atomic nucleus Did you know that… Goepert explained the spin–orbit interaction in a specific way: Think...

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Alexander Smakula

TOGETHER WE WILL BUILD THE FUTURE THE FIELD GAME fot. pl.wikipedia.org Alexander Smakula Alexander Smakula – Ukrainian physicist, inventor of anti-reflective coatings Did you know that… Surface engineering is a scientific discipline that focuses on the processes of producing surface layers and coatings with specific functionality but also on studying the phenomena accompanying them and...

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Ignacy Łukasiewicz

TOGETHER WE WILL BUILD THE FUTURE THE FIELD GAME fot. pl.wikipedia.org Ignacy Łukasiewicz Ignacy Łukasiewicz – Polish pharmacist and entrepreneur, founder of the world’s first oil mine Did you know that… The internal combustion engine, powered by gasoline or diesel, has dominated automobiles for over 100 years. However, the rapid depletion of crude oil due...

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Seiji Ogawa

TOGETHER WE WILL BUILD THE FUTURE THE FIELD GAME fot. pl.wikipedia.org Seiji Ogawa Seiji Ogawa – Japanese biophysicist and neuroscientist, developer of the foundations of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) Did you know that… fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that allows the monitoring of brain activity. This is done by...

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