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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Faculty of Science and Technology
Logo European City of Science 2024


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Jan Kisiel

CERN | My story photo from the private archive Prof. JAN KISIEL One of the most exciting results obtained by ICARUS was the measurement of the velocity of neutrinos after the OPERA experiment reported their superluminality. We showed that neutrinos, as particles that have mass, cannot travel faster than light. CERN MY STORY My adventure...

Categories: CERN
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Janusz Gluza

CERN | My story photo from the private archive Prof. JANUSZ GLUZA Cooperating with outstanding, world-class theoreticians and experimenters, I have an irresistible feeling of participating in complex, timeless projects, contributing to the fact that the University of Silesia is recognized as a scientific centre in the country and in the world, and this brings...

Categories: CERN
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Yuliia Balkova

CERN | My story photo from the private archive YULIIA BALKOVA, MSc Sometimes it’s unimaginable how many skills and opportunities for growth were provided to me just by one two-month visit that started it all. But amazing things are happening right now and will continue to take place in the future! CERN MY STORY My...

Categories: CERN
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Wojciech Flieger

CERN | My story photo from the private archive WOJCIECH FLIEGER, MSc From the first moments at CERN, you get the feeling that this is a research centre. The rooms are usually open, there are discussions all around… It might seem like this should not be surprising for someone associated with a university, but the...

Categories: CERN
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