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IGF: You are Your profile – personal considerations – dyskusja – 7 grudnia 2021

30.11.2021 - 13:45, aktualizacja 30.11.2021 - 13:45
Redakcja: Admin

Serdecznie zapraszamy Studentów Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Śląskiego do uczestnictwa w specjalnie zorganizowanym panelu dyskusyjnym „You are Your profile – personal considerations”, który odbędzie się w budynku naszego wydziału we wtorek 7 grudnia 2021 r. w godzinach 17.00-19.00. Osoby zainteresowane udziałem proszone są o przesłanie formularza rejestracyjnego, który znajduje się pod linkiem: Ankieta będzie aktywna do poniedziałku 6 grudnia 2021 r. do godziny 9.00

Tematem przewodnim panelu będą zagadnienia związane z ochroną danych osobowych w Internecie, konsekwencje życia ze statusem „online”, kontrola nad prywatnymi danymi,  prawo do ochrony danych jako prawa człowieka. Spotkanie rozpocznie emisja filmu dokumentalnego „You are Your profile – personal considerations”. Po pokazie odbędzie się dyskusja  z udziałem panelistów i uczestników. Nazwiska osób biorących udział w wydarzeniu – po wyrażeniu przez nie zgody –  zostaną zamieszczone  na oficjalnej stronie projektu „You are Your profile”

Panel  będzie wydarzeniem towarzyszącym IGF Internet Governance Forum 2021, a do dyskusji zostali zaproszeni uczestnicy szczytu cyfrowego ONZ: Rosa Louwerse, Jake Blok, Jerry de Mars oraz  Ger Baron.

Pełna informacja o panelistach i wydarzeniu poniżej:

Description of the 7 December session

Tuesday 7 December 5 – 7 pm University of Silesia

During the Internet Governance Forum of the United Nations we like to invite you to join our session ‘Prescreening with discussion; You are Your profile; personal considerations’, where we dive into todays status of social protection online and where we debate the future of our lives in an online connected society. What does it mean to have your person data exposed constantly when active online? What are the considerations you make when sharing your information with others online? Are you in control of your person data and should we have more online tools to enable us? Are our human rights protected online?

During the session we will first view the documentary ‘You are Your profile; personal considerations’ together. After this viewing we will have an active conversation together about the status of social protection in a more and more connected society.

Who we are

The You are Your profile Foundation was founded in 2021 driven by the vision of a society in which social protection online is guaranteed; a connected society in which all citizens when active online, can experience dignity, be free and have control of their privacy. You are Your profile envisions a more human rights aware connected society.

On moderation of the conversation

The session will be led by Rosa Louwerse.

Bio list

Rosa Louwerse (1992)

Tag words: Digital Rights, Law, Start up, Usage design, Data ownership, Child book writing

Considering herself as a Digital rights advocate, Rosa is professionally active in a start up that builds the privacy first communication platform iYYU. With her role in the development of the product and designing the use of the product focussing on data ownership, Rosa is directly involved in creating tooling for the digital connected society of tomorrow. Rosa is also part of the You are Your profile foundation, creating awareness about the role of person data in today’s society. In addition, Rosa is active in the Digital Rights House Foundation and on a personal note currently working on her first child book which will be launched next year. The sum of these activities brings Rosa in a very international, culture rich and entrepreneurial arena. Rosa has a masters in (International) Private Law (University of Amsterdam) and is living in Amsterdam.

Jake Blok (1974) |

Co-founder and founder Wish Will Way Foundation

From a professional perspective, I consider myself an entrepreneur. I am co-founder and CEO of and founder of the Wish Will Way Foundation. In life in general, I believe it is important to want to know your wish and to have the will to act. I believe then there is always a way. Join me to create a more dignity driven and modern connected society by raising awareness for privacy/digital rights topics.

Jerry de Mars |

Jerry works as a director, photographer and communications consultant – works predominantly in the humanitarian field – studied Cultural Anthropology at Utrecht University – studied directing in Prague – lives in Amsterdam – work experience as a director, producer of several short films, documentaries, commercials and music video’s – short film 'denk maar aan iets blauws’ is released and screened Internationally – recently finished a 20″ documentary on women rights & economic empowerment in Tanzania – working as a communications consultant with Beyond Borders Media for UNHCR, UNPD, US-AID.

Ger Baron (1978)

Ger Baron is the Chief Technology and Innovation Officer of the City of Amsterdam. His professional career started at Accenture, where he worked as a consultant. After this Baron was responsible for starting up the Amsterdam ICT-cluster for public private collaboration and he initiated over hundred projects in public-private partnership. Among these were a number of projects related to the development of Amsterdam’s Smart City initiative. Currently, Mr Baron is responsible for innovation and digital transformation within the City of Amsterdam. In addition, is chairing the Amsterdam Smart City program, is a member of the WEF Future Cities Council, the NGI Forward future internet advisory board and co-founder of the Foundation Digital Rights House.

Relevant links:

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