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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Logo European City of Science 2024

Agata Popanda

A graduate of Psychology at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Silesia

The best graduate of the 2016/2017 academic year

She completed her studies with an excellent mark on her diploma. Two-time winner of the His Magnificence Rector of the University of Silesia scholarship for the best students. Author of articles on the portal Więc Jestem: “Mózg-Artysta, czyli kilka słów o neuroplastyczności” and “Pić czy nie pić? – oto jest pytanie. Konformizm normatywny wśród młodzieży”. She served as a facilitator during the second and third editions of the scientific research project “Zdrowe Życie z Cukrzycą”. In the course of her studies, she was a volunteer with “Szlachetna Paczka”, tutor at “Akademia Przyszłości” (programs of the WIOSNA Association), and a volunteer at the PoMOC Association. Her hobbies include cynology, mountain hiking, watching the TV series “Chirurdzy” (“Grey’s Anatomy”), as well as “looking for the good, wondering if everything is as it should be and if it could not be better”.

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