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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Trainings and workshops

What topics do the trainings and workshops concern?

Trainings offered by the Career Office concern issues related to the labour market and broadly understood ‘soft’ skills. The courses are conducted by our employees, external specialists or employers. Information on the upcoming trainings can be found in the news on the Career Office’s homepage.

Who can take advantage of the training and workshop offer?

The trainings are addressed – above all – to students and graduates (up to 12 months after graduation) of the University of Silesia. Students of other universities and employed graduates are entered on the reserve list and – in the case of available places – informed about the possibility of taking part in the training the day before. Participation in trainings and workshops organised by the Career Office is free of charge.

How to sign up for a training/workshop?

Registration via the registration form is required. The form is always included in the message promoting the training on the website of the Career Office in the ‘News’ tab. The day before the training, the Career Office team confirms the presence of the participant by phone or e – mail.

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