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Konrad Szcześniak

23.01.2020 - 08:41, aktualizacja 22.06.2021 - 12:29
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dr hab. Konrad Szcześniak

Google Scholar


Konrad Szcześniak prowadzi zajęcia z językoznawstwa i gramatyki opisowej. Zajmuje się badaniami nad użyciem konstrukcji gramatycznych w angielskim, polskim, czeskim i portugalskim w ramach Gramatyki Konstrukcji. Skupia się również nad rozwojem intuicji i kompetencji leksykalnej w języku ojczystym i drugim / obcym.


  • (2019) Meaning hides in the confusion of the construction: The Characteristic-As-Place Construction. Cognitive Linguistic Studies 6(1): 58-83.
  • (2019) Variation motivated by analogy with fixed chunks: Overlap between the reflexive and the way construction. Constructions and Frames 11(1): 78-106.
  • (2019) Alternations should resurface next to surface generalizations: The reflexive-prepositional alternation in Portuguese. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 12(1): 205-240.
  • (2017) Conspicuous negation. The grammaticalization of the locative-existential have. Zeitschrift für Slawistik 62(4): 647-661.
  • (2016) What? You and me get together? The place of the Incredulity Response Construction in the lexicon-syntax continuum. In Grzegorz Drożdż (Ed.), “Studies in Lexicogrammar: Theory and applications” (121-141). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • (2016) Effect before cause. How Content Affects Form. Cognitive Semantics 2(2): 190–212.
  • (2015) Pragmatic Strengthening Is Not Strong Enough. Meanings of Sequential Closed-class Forms. Journal of Cognitive Science 16(2): 73-192.
  • (2013) You Can’t Cry Your Way to Candy. Motion events and paths in the x’s way construction. Cognitive Linguistics 24(1): 159–194.
  • (2010) (with Marcus Callies and Eva Ogiermann) Genusschwankung bei der Integration von englischen Lehnwörtern im Deutschen und Polnischen. In C. Scherer and A. Holler (Eds.) “Strategien der Integration und Isolation nicht-nativer Einheiten und Strukturen” (65-86) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • (2008) (With Marcus Callies) Europameisterschaft zu erdribbeln. Verb Particle Constructions in Sports Reporting. In Eva Lavric, Gerhard Pisek, Andrew Skinner, and Wolfgang Stadler (Eds.) “The Linguistics of Football”. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.

Konrad Szcześniak, PhD, DLitt
Assistant Professor in the Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia in Katowice

ORCID: 0000-0003-3669-4983

Google Scholar


Research interests:

Konrad Szcześniak teaches linguistics and descriptive grammar. He conducts research on the use of grammatical constructions in English, Polish, Czech and Portuguese within the framework of Construction Grammar. He also focuses on the development of lexical intuition and competence in native and second/foreign languages.

Selected publications:

(2021) Attention and Memory. In Thomas Fuyin Li (Ed.), “The Brill Handbook of Cognitive Semantics”. Leiden: Brill.

(2019) Meaning hides in the confusion of the construction: The Characteristic-As-Place Construction. Cognitive Linguistic Studies 6(1): 58-83.

(2019) Variation motivated by analogy with fixed chunks: Overlap between the reflexive and the way construction. Constructions and Frames 11(1): 78-106.

(2019) Alternations should resurface next to surface generalizations: The reflexive-prepositional alternation in Portuguese. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 12(1): 205-240.

(2017) Conspicuous negation. The grammaticalization of the locative-existential have. Zeitschrift für Slawistik 62(4): 647-661.

(2016) What? You and me get together? The place of the Incredulity Response Construction in the lexicon-syntax continuum. In Grzegorz Drożdż (Ed.), “Studies in Lexicogrammar: Theory and applications” (121-141). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

(2016) Effect before cause. How Content Affects Form. Cognitive Semantics 2(2): 190–212.

(2015) Pragmatic Strengthening Is Not Strong Enough. Meanings of Sequential Closed-class Forms. Journal of Cognitive Science 16(2): 73-192.

(2013) You Can’t Cry Your Way to Candy. Motion events and paths in the x’s way construction. Cognitive Linguistics 24(1): 159–194.

(2010) (with Marcus Callies and Eva Ogiermann) Genusschwankung bei der Integration von englischen Lehnwörtern im Deutschen und Polnischen. In C. Scherer and A. Holler (Eds.) “Strategien der Integration und Isolation nicht-nativer Einheiten und Strukturen” (65-86) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Fellowships and grants:

Grantový fond děkanky Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci.


Konrad Szcześniak

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