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University of Silesia in Katowice

  • Polski
  • English
Faculty of Humanities
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Philosophical Counselling and Coaching

Studies in philosophical counselling and coaching prepare you to apply philosophy in counselling practice and conduct professional coaching processes. They help you develop a number of useful skills related to teamwork, proper communication, and building interpersonal relationships. What is more, they provide knowledge of theories, methods and techniques that can be used in the field of broadly understood individual and collective growth.

The philosophical counsellor is prepared to work with people experiencing existential crises (e.g. death, sense of alienation, lack of meaning in life, loneliness) or moral dilemmas, looking for understanding in their life’s struggles, wanting to find their system of values.

The philosopher-practitioner also learns to use critical thinking methods, examine beliefs and assumptions, and broaden horizons in the field of ethical and cultural determinants of worldviews. Conducting personal coaching processes requires the students to master specific communication skills, and develop an attitude of authenticity and trust in building relationships. They also need extensive knowledge of the standards of leading industry organisations, professional codes of ethics, as well as specific techniques and tools.

Contact us:

e-mail: dariusz.beben@us.edu.pl;


Ul. Bankowa 11, 40-007 Katowice

1st and 2nd cycle studies

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