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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Faculty of Science and Technology
Logo European City of Science 2024

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Competition for a scholarship for a doctoral student within the OPUS 21 project

We are looking for a PhD student in physical sciences for the research project financed by the National Science Center within the Opus 21 program. Title of the research project: “Correlations between supramolecular structure, molecular dynamics, physico-chemical stability, and solubility in neat Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and API-excipient binary systems” (project no. 2021/41/B/NZ7/01654). Project leader:...


Konkursy o stypendia dla doktorantów w ramach projektu OPUS 21

Szanowni Państwo poszukujemy doktorantów w naukach fizycznych do projektu badawczego Opus 21 finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Nazwa projektu badawczego: „W kierunku zrozumienia dynamiki reorientacji sztywnych i niesztywnych, dużych anizotropowych cząsteczek stanowiących nową klasę materiałów szklistych o osobliwych własnościach relaksacyjnych ujawnionych w badaniach relaksacji dielektrycznej” (2021/41/B/ST5/00992) Kierownik projektu: dr Marzena Rams-Baron, Instytut Fizyki Uniwersytetu Śląskiego....


UNIWERS-US Project | Additional recruitment to the “learning community”

UNIWERS-US Project Office announces additional recruitment to the learning community as part of the “UNIWERS-US. University of Silesia in Katowice Staff for Universal Design” Project. The additional recruitment is carried out on the basis of the order of submitted applications, and will continue until the limit of places is reached. The signed original of the...


Informatyka I rok studia stacjonarne | rejestracja do grup

Od dnia 31.01.2022 r. od godz. 21.00 rozpoczyna się rejestracja do grup. Należy wskazać przynależność do wybranej grupy laboratoryjnej za pomocą rejestracji do modułu Języki programowania obiektowego (W4-IN-S1-19-2-JPO). Prosimy o rejestrację do jednej wybranej grupy laboratoryjnej. W systemie USOS grupy posiadają oznaczenie tylko numeryczne, w planie dodatkowo literowe. Grupa w planie A1, to USOSie grupa...


Announces the open call for the position of scholar/student

RECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SILESIA IN KATOWICE announces the open call for the position of scholar/student in the group of research staff in research project led by Dr Eng. Agnieszka Martyna Place of work: Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry Job location: mostly online, if stationery – Szkolna Street 9, 40-006 Katowice Number of available positions:...


BIOPHAM programme | The first call for applications is opened

BIOPHAM is a two-year master programme entirely taught in English. It aims at meeting an international demand for qualified graduates with theoretical and applied high-level training in materials science and physics & chemistry of materials and their applications to pharmaceuticals. BIOPHAM was built by a consortium of four acknowledged European Universities and benefits from the...


Diebold Nixdorf Day Katowice 2.1

Diebold Nixdorf is an innovative global financial technology company focused on excellence. They are expanding their Software Global Center in Katowice and are looking for recent graduates or people looking to advance their software development careers. Katowice is where they are developing new products that will change the retail experience for both: the clients and...

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