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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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Instytut Chemii
Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024

Chemia Sądowa

Lider zespołu: prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Zadora

Skład zespołu:

dr inż. Agnieszka Martyna (Scopus, ORCID)
dr Alicja Menżyk (Scopus, ORCID)
mgr Anastasiia Zahrebelna (ORCID)

Tematyka badań zespołu:

  • Zastosowanie metod analizy instrumentalnej w badaniach próbek mikrośladów dla potrzeb wymiaru sprawiedliwości i organów ścigania
  • Problematyka oceny wartości dowodowej danych uzyskiwanych w laboratoriach kryminalistycznych lub badaniach autentyczności różnego rodzaju wyrobów
  • Opracowywanie modeli hybrydowych ilorazu wiarygodności łączących najbardziej użyteczne cechy metod chemometrycznych i testów ilorazu wiarygodności z punktu widzenia wymiaru sprawiedliwości i organów ścigania
  • Analiza mechanizmu powstania śladów krwawych, w tym problem określenia czasu ich powstania na podstawie wyników ich badań z zastosowaniem różnych metod analizy instrumentalnej wspartej interpretacją z wykorzystaniem hybrydowych modeli ilorazu wiarygodności


  • Projekt SONATA NCN: 2019/35/D/ST4/00933, „Doskonalenie strategii obliczeniowych opartych na hybrydowych modelach ilorazu wiarygodności w analizie podobieństwa dwuwymiarowych sygnałów rejestrowanych w analitycznych technikach sprzężonych” (kierownik projektu: dr inż. Agnieszka Martyna), 2020-2023.


  • Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow, Poland
  • Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin, Italy
  • Dipartimento di Farmacia Università di Genova, Genoa, Italy
  • Escuela Politecnica Superior, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
  • School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Wybrane publikacje:

  • Aitken CGG, Zadora G, Lucy D. A Two-Level Model for Evidence Evaluation. J. Forensic Sci. 2007;52:412-9.
  • Zadora G, Neocleous T. Likelihood ratio model for classification of forensic evidences. Anal. Chim. Acta. 2009;64:266-78.
  • Zadora G. Classification of Glass Fragments Based on Elemental Composition and Refractive Index. J. Forensic Sci. 2009;54:49-59.
  • Zadora G., Ramos D. Evaluation of glass samples for forensic purposes – an application of likelihood ratio model and information-theoretical approach. Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst. 2010;102:63-83.
  • Zadora G, Neocleous T. Evidential Value of Physicochemical Data-Comparison of Methods of Glass Database Creation. J. Chemom. 2010;24:367-78.
  • Lucy D, Zadora G. Mixed effects modelling for glass category estimation from glass refractive indices. Forensic Sci. Int. 2011;212:189-97.
  • Martyna A, Sjastad KE, Zadora G, Ramos D. Analysis of lead isotopic ratios of glass objects with the aim of comparing them for forensic purposes. Talanta. 2013;105:158-66.
  • Zadora G. Evaluation of evidential value of physicochemical data by a Bayesian network approach. J. Chemom. 2010;24:346-66.
  • Zięba-Palus J, Zadora G, Milczarek JM. Differentiation and evaluation of evidence value of styrene acrylic urethane topcoat car paints analysed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A. 2008;1179:47-58.
  • Martyna A, Michalska A, Zadora G. Interpretation of FTIR spectra of polymers and Raman spectra of car paints by means of likelihood ratio approach supported by wavelet transform for reducing data dimensionality. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2015;407:3357-76.
  • Martyna A, Zadora G, Neocleous T, Michalska A, Dean N. Hybrid approach combining chemometrics and likelihood ratio framework for reporting the evidential value of spectra. Anal. Chim. Acta. 2016;931:34-46.
  • Michalska A, Martyna A, Zięba-Palus J, Zadora G. Application of a likelihood ratio approach in solving a comparison problem of Raman spectra recorded for blue automotive paints. J. Raman Spectr. 2015;46:772-83.
  • Zadora G, Borusiewicz R, Zięba-Palus J. Differentiation between weathered kerosene and diesel fuel using automatic thermal desorption-GC-MS analysis and the likelihood ratio approach. J. Separation Sci. 2005;28:1467-75.
  • Martyna A, Lucy D, Zadora G, Trzcinska BM, Ramos D, Parczewski A. The evidential value of microspectrophotometry measurements made for pen inks. Anal. Meth. 2013;5:6788-95.
  • Własiuk P, Martyna A, Zadora G. A likelihood ratio model for the determination of the geographical origin of olive oil. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2015;853:187-99.
  • Martyna A, Zadora G, Stanimirova I, Ramos D. Wine authenticity verification as a forensic problem. An application of likelihood ratio approach to label verification. Food Chem. 2014;150:287-95.
  • Alladio E, Martyna A, Salomone A, Pirro V, Vincenti M, Zadora G. Evaluation of direct and indirect ethanol biomarkers using a likelihood ratio approach to identify chronic alcohol abusers for forensic purposes. Forensic Sci. Int. 2017;271:13-22.
  • Menżyk A., Martyna A., Zadora G., Evidential value of polymeric materials – chemometric tactics for spectral data compression combined with likelihood ratio approach. Analyst. 2017; 142:3867-3888.
  • Michalska A., Martyna A., Zadora G., Investigation of various factors influencing Raman spectra interpretation with the use of likelihood ratio approach. Forensic Sci. Int. 2018; 282:60-73.
  • Martyna A., Gäbler H.-E., Bahr A., Zadora G., Geochemical wolframite fingerprinting – the likelihood ratio approach for laser ablation ICP-MS data. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2018, 410:3073-3091.
  • Martyna A., Zadora G., Ramos D., Forensic comparison of pyrograms using score-based likelihood ratios. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis. 2018, 133: 198-215.
  • Zadora G., Menżyk A., In the pursuit of the Holy Grail of forensic science – spectroscopic studies on the estimation of time since deposition of bloodstains. Trends Anal. Chem. 2018, 105:137-165.
  • Własiuk P., Alladio E., Salomone A., Vincenti M., Zadora G., Evidence of seasonal variation of ethyl glucuronide in hair: modelling a seven-years data-series. Drug Test. Anal. 2019, 11:77-85.
  • Gładysza M., Król M., Własiuk P., Piwowara M., Zadora G., Kościelniak P., Development and evaluation of semi-destructive, ultrasound assisted extraction method followed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry enabling discrimination of red lipstick samples. J. Chromatogr. A. 2018, 1577:92-100.
  • Aitken C., Chang Y.-T., Buzzini P., Zadora G., Massonet G., The evaluation of evidence for microspectrophotometry data using functional data analysis. Forensic Sci. Int. 2019, 305:110007.
  • Menżyk A., Damin A., Martra G., Martyna A., Alladio E., Vincenti M., Zadora G., Toward a novel framework for bloodstains dating by Raman spectroscopy: how to avoid sample photodamage and subsampling errors. Talanta. 2020, 209:120565.
  • Martyna A., Menżyk A., Damin A., Michalska A., Martra G., Alladio E., Zadora G., Improving discrimination of Raman spectra by optimising preprocessing strategies on the basis of the ability to refine the relationship between variance components. Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst. 2020, 202:104029.

Książki i rozdziały w książkach:

  • Zadora G, Martyna A, Ramos D, Aitken CGG. Statistical Analysis in Forensic Science Evidential Values of Multivariate Physicochemical Data. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons; 2014.
  • ENFSI guideline for evaluative reporting in Forensic Science: Strengthening the Evaluation of Forensic Results across Europe (STEOFRAE). Project (EU ISEC 2010) supported by the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Union European Commission – Directorate – General Justice, Freedom and Security (Agreement Number: HOME/2010/ISEC/MO/4000001759); 2015.
  • Menżyk A., Zadora G., Wybrane metody instrumentalne w datowaniu plam krwawych dla celów sądowych. [w:] Bioanalityka w nauce i życiu. T. 1, Nowe wyzwania w bioanalizie klinicznej i ocenie naturalnych surowców leczniczych. – Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2020. – ISBN 978-83-01-21281-0.
  • Zadora G., Michalska A. Scanning Electron Microscopy. [in:] Analytical Techniques in Forensic Science. John Wiley & Sons; 2021. Print ISBN:9781119978282, Online ISBN:9781119373421. DOI:10.1002/9781119373421

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