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Ewa Gumul

22.01.2020 - 14:27, aktualizacja 21.06.2021 - 10:53
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dr hab. Ewa Gumul, prof. UŚ

Tłumacz i badacz przekładu, pracownik Uniwersytetu Ślaskiego od 1997 roku. Z wykształcenia anglista i iberysta. Autor i recenzent publikacji przekładoznawczych. Jej zainteresowania badawcze obejmują metodologię badań translatologicznych, procesy kognitywne i transformacje tekstowe w tłumaczeniu symultanicznym.

Research Gate:

Google Scholar:

ORCID: 0000-0003-0859-6067

Wybrane publikacje:

  • Gumul, E. (w druku) Explicitation and cognitive load in simultaneous interpreting: Product- and process-oriented analysis of trainee interpreters’ outputs. Interpreting.
  • Gumul, E. (w druku) Retrospective protocols in simultaneous interpreting – testing the effect of retrieval cues. Linguistica AntverpiensiaNew Series – Themes in Translation Studies 19.
  • Gumul, E. (2019) Evidence of cognitive effort in simultaneous interpreting: process versus product data. Beyond Philology 16(4): 11–45.
  • Gumul, E. (2019) O metodzie protokołów retrospektywnych w badaniach nad tłumaczeniem symultanicznym. Rocznik przekładoznawczy 14: 171-192.
  • Gumul, E. (2018) Searching for evidence of Gile’s Effort Models in retrospective protocols of trainee simultaneous interpreters. Między oryginałem a przekładem 24(42): 17–39.
  • Gumul, E. (2017) Explicitation in Simultaneous Interpreting. A study into explicitating behaviour of trainee interpreters. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
  • Gumul, E. (2015) Explicitation. W: Franz Pöchhacker (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies. London: Routledge, 156.
  • Gumul, E. (2011) Translational Shifts of Syntactic and Lexical Markers of Ideology: Reporting the Iraqi Conflict in Polish Reprint Press. Meta: journal des traducteurs 56(4): 758–774.
  • Gumul, E. i A. Łyda (2007) The Time Constraint in Conference Interpreting: Simultaneous vs. Consecutive. Research in Language 5: 163–183.
  • Gumul, E. (2006) Explicitation in Simultaneous Interpreting: a strategy or a by-product of language mediation? Across Languages and Cultures. A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies 7(2): 171–190.

Ewa Gumul, PhD, DLitt
Associate Professor in the Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia in Katowice

ORCID: 0000-0003-0859-6067

Research interests:

Translator and researcher specializing translation studies, related to the University of Silesia since 1997. She is a graduate of English and Spanish Studies. Author and reviewer of publication on translation. Her research interests include methodology of translation studies, cognitive processes and text transformations in simultaneous translation.

Selected publications:

  1. Gumul, E. (2021) Explicitation and cognitive load in simultaneous interpreting: Product- and process-oriented analysis of trainee interpreters’ outputs. Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting 23:1: 45-75. Published as online first 9 Nov 2020.
  2. Gumul, E. (2020) Retrospective protocols in simultaneous interpreting – testing the effect of retrieval cues. Linguistica Antverpiensia. NewSeries – Themes in Translation Studies 19: 152-171.
  3. Gumul, E. (2020) Explicitation and interpreting quality. Reporting interpreting goals in trainee interpreters’ retrospective protocols. W: R. Barranco-Droege (red.) Solving the riddle of interpreting quality: Dimensions and challenges. Granada: Editorial Comares, 139-168.
  4. Gumul, E. (2019) Evidence of cognitive effort in simultaneous interpreting: process versus product data. Beyond Philology 16(4): 11–45.
  5. Gumul, E. (2018) Searching for evidence of Gile’s Effort Models in retrospective protocols of trainee simultaneous interpreters. Między oryginałem a przekładem 4(42): 17–39.
  6. Gumul, E. (2017) Explicitation in Simultaneous Interpreting. A study into explicitating behaviour of trainee interpreters. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
  7. Gumul, E. (2015) Cohesion. W: Franz Pöchhacker (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies. London: Routledge, 63–64.
  8. Gumul, E. (2015) Explicitation. W: Franz Pöchhacker (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies. London: Routledge,
  9. Gumul, E. (2011) Translational Shifts of Syntactic and Lexical Markers of Ideology: Reporting the Iraqi Conflict in Polish Reprint Meta: journal des traducteurs 56(4): 758–774.
  10. Gumul, E. (2006) Explicitation in Simultaneous Interpreting: a strategy or a by-product of language mediation? Across Languages and Cultures. A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies 7(2): 171–190.


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