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Results of the qualification procedure, lists of accepted candidates

02.02.2020 - 14:58 update 15.07.2024 - 08:19
Editors: Małgorzata Bawołek

Lists of accepted candidates

The Faculty Admission Commission starts the qualification procedure when the on-line registration of candidates for a given programme is closed. The exact times when the lists of candidates accepted for particular programmes will appear on-line are to be found in the IRK Catalogue of Programmes.

The deadlines and the place where you should submit your documents to register as a student – this information will also be sent to your IRK account if you have been accepted. In addition, this information is available in the IRK system, in the admission timetables for each programme.
Please note that being accepted is not the end of the admission process, you are not a student yet! In order to register as a student for a programme of your choice, you have to meet a few further requirements, i.e. submit all the necessary documents at the dean’s office.

Status of candidates in the qualification procedure

Results of the admission process are provided to the candidates in the IRK system. You can access the information on your admission results under ‘Applications’ in the ‘My Account’ section, these include:

  • Qualified – a candidate who is accepted to studies (and appears on the list of accepted candidates), on the basis of the points they were awarded and the limit of available places for the programme of their choice, or on the basis of their registration in the IRK system and submitting the necessary documents, if the criterion of points does not apply for the programme of their choice. An accepted candidate has the duty to submit all the necessary documents and enrol as a student at the specified place and time.
  • Reserve list – a candidate who has not been awarded the number of points required to secure one of the available places for the degree programme of their choice and has not been accepted but is on the waiting list of candidates who may be accepted later on if a place becomes available.
  • Not qualified – a candidate who does not meet the admission criteria for the degree programme (or major) of their choice.

Reserve list

The candidates who have not been accepted by the Faculty Admission Commission for the programme of their choice due to unavailability of places are on the waiting list. If places become available after the registration deadline for the accepted candidates, the Faculty Admission Commission will decide to accept some of the candidates from the waiting list, in accordance with the point score ranking. If you are on the waiting list and the Faculty Admission Commission informs you that you have been accepted, you should submit your documents to enrol at the place and time specified by the Commission.


On the day when the admission process results are announced, Katarzyna Igrekowska is in the 300th position on the ranking list. According to the acceptance criteria, the limit of available places for the degree programme of her choice is 250. Mrs Katarzyna is not accepted. After a few days, it turns out that some of the candidates accepted for the programme have not enrolled. Consequently, Katarzyna moves to the 210th position on the ranking list and is accepted by the Faculty Admission Commission. Katarzyna submits all the required documents and enrols at the dean’s office within the specified deadline. As a result, she becomes an admitted candidate.

Note! Being accepted is not equivalent to being admitted to studies. In order to become admitted to studies, you have to meet a few further requirements. These are presented in the part that describes Stage II of the admission process.

Additional admission procedures

If an admission procedure is closed, but there are still some places left for a given programme or major, the Faculty Admission Commission may decide:
• to finish the qualification procedure without filling these places;
• to open another admission procedure.
If the Commission decides to open another admission procedure, the IRK system will show that you can apply for a given programme or major. The times when you can apply will be specified in the IRK Catalogue of Programmes  in the description of individual programmes (see under: Information about the programme).

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