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Listopadowe szkolenia Transform4Europe

13.11.2024 - 15:29 aktualizacja 15.11.2024 - 14:45
Redakcja: agatasoldrowska

Transform4Europe zaprasza do udziału w szkoleniach w formie online w j. angielskim.

Zapraszamy do rejestracji na webinary, które odbędą się w listopadzie:



„Transform4Europe“ professional development training for academic and non-academic staff:


„Dealing with the daily flood of tasks – methods for effective task planning“.

November 8, 9.00–11.00 CET. MS Teams. Registration.

Lecturer – Vivien Seimetz (Saarland University).


„Influencing and motivating others towards shared goals in today’s worlds of knowledge and innovation“.

November 12, 9.00–11.00 CET. MS Teams. Registration.

Professor Dr. Simona Kustec (University of Primorska).


„Skills for a Balanced Life: Mindfulness, Resilience and Healthy Lifestyle“.

November 13, 10.00–12.00 CET. MS Teams. Registration.

Lecturers – Rocío Juliá-Sanchis, Silvia Escribano (University of Alicante).


„Stress reduction techniques: Using cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques while being kind to yourself“.

November 21, 12.00–15.00 CET. MS Teams. Registration.

Lecturers – Monika Stojek, Maryla Sokołowska (University of Silesia in Katowice).

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