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University of Silesia in Katowice

Logo European City of Science 2024

October trainings for academics in the Welcome2US project

15.11.2024 - 15:00 update 19.11.2024 - 09:09
Editors: agatasoldrowska

In the second half of October, as a part of the third International Congress on Education Quality (ICEQ), we organized two trainings for our employees abroad.

The first training, entitled “Methods of activating the multicultural group of students”, took place on the 23rd of October, and the second one – “AI in didactic work in the diverse academic environments”, on the 25th of October. Both trainings have been organized as a part of the project “Welcome2US – development of the potential of the University of Silesia in Katowice in the scope of support of the foreign employees.” financed by the Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA) as a part of Welcome to Poland 2022 programme.

In total, 30 of our employees learned the secrets of successful work with multicultural groups of students, also with the use of the more and more popular AI. The trainings were also an opportunity to meet new people and to exchange the participants’ experiences with other employees working with the multicultural groups of students daily.

Group of people listetning and the trainer sitting in the room and looking at the screen. Grupa uczestników szkolenia oraz trenerka poldczas szkolenia patrzący na ekran z wyświetloną prezentacją.Photo from the “Welcome2US” project archive
Group of training participants sitting at the table and listening to the trainer. Grupa uczestników szkolenia siedząca przy stołach ułożonych w kształcie podkowy.Photo from the “Welcome2US” project archive
Four women writing at the post-it notes and sticking them at the white sheet of paper. Cztery kobiety siedzące przy stole i piszące na kolorowych karteczkach, które przyklejają do białego arkusza brystolu.Photo from the “Welcome2US” project archive
Group of training participants looking at the trainer, who prepares the presentation on his computer with his back to the photographer. Grupa uczestników szkolenia patrząca na trenera, który przygotowuje prezentację na komputerze, obrócony tyłem do fotografa.Photo from the “Welcome2US” project archive
Group of training participants sitting at the table and looking at the trainer. Coat hanger in the background. Grupa uczestników szkolenia siedząca przy stole w kształcie podkowy i słuchająca trenera. W tle wieszak z kurtkami i szklane drzwi.Photo from the “Welcome2US” project archive
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