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University of Silesia in Katowice

  • Polski
  • English
Faculty of Natural Sciences
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The aim of the degree programme is to prepare graduates to use their broad knowledge in biology, independently deepen their knowledge, present their knowledge in public, and apply it in professional activity. Students acquire knowledge and skills in particular disciplines of biology, in particular: structure, functions and development of organisms; diversity and evolution of organisms; molecular biology and the basics of biotechnology, environmental biology in terms of the idea of sustainable development and environmental ethics. Apart from modules making up the base of the education, the programme offers numerous elective courses.

Students acquire knowledge in disciplines related to a particular major, e.g. phylogenetics and taxonomy of plants and animals, selected branches of ecology, botany, conservation zoology, or bioethics An important and compulsory part of the studies is to make students familiar with latest information technologies and statistical methods in natural sciences. Students learn how to use databases, audio-visual means, advanced computer programmes and other tools that are of use when taking a job that requires a universal knowledge and skills of publicly presenting issues in biology and solving practical problems related to applying biology in economy and management.
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