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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Faculty of Theology
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“Lectio Magistralis Internationalis” with the permanent patronage of the Committee of Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science

10.06.2024 - 12:57 update 24.06.2024 - 19:26
Editors: Wojciech Kamczyk
Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the Lectio Magistralis Internationalis project, implemented since 2020 at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia in Katowice, has received the permanent patronage of the Committee of Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the eleven editions of international scientific seminars held so far, almost 2,000 people from several dozen countries in Europe (18), South America (5), North America (3), Asia (6), and Africa (3) have attended. Outstanding scientists from various research centers abroad have delivered master lectures.

The project is carried out by a team of research and teaching staff from the Faculty of Theology and students of theology and family sciences, with the support of the International Scientific Committee. Please visit the project website, Lectio Magistralis Internationalis | Institute of Theological Sciences, where film materials are available.

Thank you for being with us and contributing to the creation of this universal platform for dialogue and the exchange of scientific ideas.

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the Lectio Magistralis Internationalis project, implemented since 2020 at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia in Katowice, has received the permanent patronage of the Committee of Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the eleven editions of international scientific seminars held so far, almost 2,000 people from several dozen countries in Europe (18), South America (5), North America (3), Asia (6), and Africa (3) have attended. Outstanding scientists from various research centers abroad have delivered master lectures.

The project is carried out by a team of research and teaching staff from the Faculty of Theology and students of theology and family sciences, with the support of the International Scientific Committee. Please visit the project website, Lectio Magistralis Internationalis | Institute of Theological Sciences, where film materials are available.

Thank you for being with us and contributing to the creation of this universal platform for dialogue and the exchange of scientific ideas.

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the Lectio Magistralis Internationalis project, implemented since 2020 at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia in Katowice, has received the permanent patronage of the Committee of Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the eleven editions of international scientific seminars held so far, almost 2,000 people from several dozen countries in Europe (18), South America (5), North America (3), Asia (6), and Africa (3) have attended. Outstanding scientists from various research centers abroad have delivered master lectures.

The project is carried out by a team of research and teaching staff from the Faculty of Theology and students of theology and family sciences, with the support of the International Scientific Committee. Please visit the project website, Lectio Magistralis Internationalis | Institute of Theological Sciences, where film materials are available.

Thank you for being with us and contributing to the creation of this universal platform for dialogue and the exchange of scientific ideas.

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the Lectio Magistralis Internationalis project, implemented since 2020 at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia in Katowice, has received the permanent patronage of the Committee of Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the eleven editions of international scientific seminars held so far, almost 2,000 people from several dozen countries in Europe (18), South America (5), North America (3), Asia (6), and Africa (3) have attended. Outstanding scientists from various research centers abroad have delivered master lectures.

The project is carried out by a team of research and teaching staff from the Faculty of Theology and students of theology and family sciences, with the support of the International Scientific Committee. Please visit the project website, Lectio Magistralis Internationalis | Institute of Theological Sciences, where film materials are available.

Thank you for being with us and contributing to the creation of this universal platform for dialogue and the exchange of scientific ideas.

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