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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Faculty of Theology
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Family studies

1st cycle (BA) and 2nd cycle (MA) full-time studies

Language of instruction: Polish

As part of the Family Studies degree programme, the student gains comprehensive, interdisciplinary knowledge about family. Education at this degree programme is characterised by a significant axiological aspect. Such knowledge is based on the integral anthropological concept. Therefore, the student gains knowledge in the field of biological grounds for human development and knowledge concerning its psychosocial functioning. Due to the fact that the studies refer to Christian outlook, knowledge about human being and family is expanded with the spiritual and religious dimension. Among many areas of the functioning of a family, the student has the possibility to gain in-depth knowledge in the field of human sexuality, procreation, including in particular natural family planning methods. The student gets to know the place of family studies within the system of science. They also gain structured detailed knowledge with regard to pedagogical, psychological and sociological conditions for the functioning of a family, as well as detailed knowledge in the field of civil and canonical law in terms of institutional and legal aspects of the functioning of a family.

Enrol for studies

About the degree programme About the degree programme

Family Studies are carried out as two-cycle full-time studies. 1st cycle (BA) studies last six semesters. The student gains basic knowledge about different types of social structures and institutions as well as relations between them. Thanks to knowledge gained at the Family studies programme, the student is able to analyse specific social processes and phenomena as well as use the normative system, resulting from the teachings of Catholic Church, in order to solve a particular task related to the functioning of a family.

2nd cycle (MA) studies last four semesters. The studies allow to gain structured, in-depth, specialty-oriented, detailed knowledge in the field of pedagogical, sociological and legal conditions behind the functioning of a family. Among many detailed problems, the student gains in-depth knowledge concerning bioethical issues, as well as those related to addictions and family violence.

Why is it worth studying with us? Why is it worth studying with us?
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Warm and friendly atmosphere is an unquestionable advantage of our Faculty. The Cathedral of Christ the King in the neighbourhood, the Library with rich and unique church collections, and the proximity of other institutions involved in Christian mission create an inimitable climate for exploring the most important truths about God and human.

Studies at our Faculty are frequently taken up by 30+ students, which is why we offer them special support of our employees – individual tutors who will help them combine professional, family and university duties.

Majors Majors

The major in Family Studies: Marriage and Family Counselling (1st cycle studies) prepares the graduates to work in centres and institutions helping families in different ways.

2nd cycle studies enable to gain detailed knowledge and skills concerning the essence and course of family mediation and the profession of family assistant.

Admission criteria Admission criteria

1st cycle studies (BA):

Competitive admission is based on secondary school-leaving certificate grades – the results in the written part of the Matura exam are taken into consideration.

  • The exam result at the basic level is multiplied by 0.5, and at the extended level by 1.
  • If the candidate took a Matura exam in a course at both levels, the result in the level that will be more favourable for the candidate after including the conversion factor and weight will be taken into consideration.
  • The detailed rules of qualification of candidates with old Matura exam are specified in Section 14 of Resolution no. 298 of the Senate of the University of Silesia of 28 June 2022.
  • Admission to studies will be determined by the place on the ranking list based on the sum of points achieved in the Matura exam and the qualification interview.

More information can be found HERE.

2nd cycle studies (MA):

The individuals with a Bachelor’s degree diploma, Engineer’s degree diploma, Master’s degree diploma or equivalent (i.e. recognised as much as a Polish diploma in case of graduating abroad) obtained in a degree programme in the field of theology, humanities, social sciences, medical sciences or health sciences, will be admitted to studies based on the qualification procedure within the limit of places.
Qualification criteria: admission to studies will be determined by the place on the ranking list based on the average study grade.
The average study grade for the graduates of 1st cycle studies in Family Studies will be multiplied by 1.2.

More information can be found HERE.

Fees Fees
Admission fee PLN 85
Semester tuition fee for Poles and foreigners entitled to education at full-time studies in Polish without paying for full-time studies no semester tuition fees
Semester tuition fee for foreigners applying for paid full-time studies The tuition fee payment rules and dates, bank account number – more information on the website
What makes us stand out? What makes us stand out?

Family Studies are characterised by interdisciplinarity and broad perspective on the discussed issues. Classes are run not only by researchers-scientists, but also by a specialised staff of practitioners (psychologists, educators, doctors). Our Faculty cooperates with many institutions supporing families. These include: City Social Assistance Centres in Katowice and Ruda Śląska, Health Department of the City Hall in Mysłowice, Caritas of the Katowice Archdiocese, Wydział Duszpasterstwa Rodzin Kurii Metropolitalnej [Pastoral family department of the the Metropolitan Curia] in Katowice, Archdiocese Psychological Counselling Centre, Drachma Foundation, Apostolstwo Chorych [Apostolate for the sick], Hospice in Chorzów, Polish Association of Human Life Defenders. The external stakeholders emphasize the professional vocational training of our graduates.

Where and what will you study? Where and what will you study?

Our degree programme is characterised by broad perspective and interdisciplinarity. The explored fields include psychology, law, sociology, pedagogics, philosophy and medical sciences. The leading discipline in the programme is theology.

We also provide the possibility to develop linguistic competencies both with regard to modern languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish). The well-equipped library, located near the Faculty, is the one-and-only “place” for broadening your theological horizons.

Internships and traineeships Internships and traineeships

Our students carry out their internships in the course of 150 hours (1st cycle studies, 5th semester) and 60 hours (2nd cycle studies, 2nd semester) in the institutions such as: District Court in Tarnowskie Góry, Centre for Specialist Counselling in Methodology and Strategy of the City Social Welfare Centre in Katowice, Fundacja Dla Ludzi Potrzebujących Pomocy GNIAZDO (Foundation for people in need of assistance), City Social Welfare Centre in Żory, Social Welfare Centre in Rybnik, City Family Welfare Centre in Bytom, City Social Welfare Centre in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Stowarzyszenie Świętego Filipa Nereusza [Saint Philip Neri Society] in Ruda Śląska. Our graduates are employed in support centres and organisations, including e.g.: Dzienny Ośrodek Wsparcia Dziennego Dziupla (daily support centre) in Wodzisław Śląski, Niepubliczna Szkoła Specjalna Przysposabiająca do Pracy (non-public special vocational school) in Zabrze, Akademia Małżeństw i Rodzin – Centrum Rozwoju i Terapii (academy of marriages and families – centre for development and therapy) in Katowice.

Where are classes run? Where are classes run?
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Faculty of Theology
University of Silesia in Katowice
ul. Jordana 18
40-043 Katowice

Our specialists Our specialists
Monika Gwóźdź Monika Gwóźdź, PhD – theologist-canonist by education. Her main interests include matrimonial and canonical procedural law, which she can not only explore and teach theoretically, but also apply by accompanying the parties during their marriage annulment procedure. The analysis of life stories of specific individuals helped her particularly appreciate the value of interdisciplinary research. 

She is an enthusiast of Polish and foreign mountains. She has climbed Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mount Kosciuszko in Australia.

Marek Wójtowicz, PhD, DLitt, Associate  Professor – has interdisciplinary educational background (MA in pedagogics, MA in psychology, PhD DLitt in philosophy); he is a member of the Scientifi Council of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Silesia. His research interests include: philosophy of religion (arguments for and against the existence of God, ethics of beliefs), philosophical anthropology (problems of death, transhumanism), family studies (philosophical and psychological aspects of marriage and family). He is the author of the following books: Doświadczenie lęku egzystencjalnego jako sytuacja wyboru, Katowice 2005; Zakład Pascala – argumentacja i działanie, Katowice 2016; co-author of the book Kondycja współczesnej rodziny – ujęcie interdyscyplinarne, Katowice 2021; co-editor (with W. Kania) of the collective work Filozofia a śmierć, Katowice 2007; author of over 40 scientific articles. Podcast on transhumanism.

Other interests: chess – 1st category, running – record in marathon 3 hours 53 minutes, mountain tourism

Husband of Anna and father of two daughters and five sons.

Marek Wójtowicz
Antoni Bartoszek Rev. Antoni Bartoszek, PhD, DLitt – is a specialist in moral theology, bioethics and family studies. Hs interests include issues related to diseases, euthanasia, sexuality and marriage. Apart from working at the Faculty of Theology, he is a chaplain at a centre for disabled persons. He is the author of books on hospice, telephone helpline and sexuality of the disabled. Here are some of his interesting scientific articles: on distributing Holy Communion during pandemicson purity as a pro-ecological behaviouron celibacy and marriage, which do not exclude one another. Together with the Medical University of Silesia, pastoral health service and Apostolate of the Sick, he has organised the conference Samaritanus bonus. Ile służby jest w ochronie zdrowia? (how much service is there in health protection?) (2024).

He is passionate about Polish mountains; he has won both the Crown of Polish Mountains and the Diadem of Polish Mountains.

Weronika Juroszek, PhD – is a psychologist and assistant professor at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia. She has completed postgraduate studies in Family and Court Mediation. She is the author of four monographs and about forty articles from the ministerial lists. Fields of interest: role models in upbringing with a particular focus on “Polish indomitable soldiers” and other Polish patriots (e.g. Rev. Jerzy Popiełuszko); sexual education in a family; attachment styles; multi-generational family; relations between spouses and parents-in-law; choice of spouse; psychopedagogical conditions behind the decision to suspend divorce proceedings; education for maturity; motivation to enter into a marriage; historial and pedagogical biographical writing.

She has been the wife of Zbigniew for over 20 years. She is the mother of four children: a university student, a secondary school student and two kindergarten children. She is passionate about Nordic walking.

Paulina Puszcz, PhD – PhD in social sciences. She has completed MA and PhD programmes in Family Studies. She carries out research in the field of pedagogics. Her research interests are focused on the problems of being a parent, in particular mother. She is interested in the process of forming, developing and learning parental role and its transformations under the impact of social changes. She has conducted research on e.g. biographical learning of the role of mother, significance of difficult situations in forming the role of a mother, motherhood in the context of changing family conditions, application of the design thinking method in designing a parental role. She has currently begun a research project concerning the subjective experiencing of parental burnout. She conducts quality social research, mainly in the biographical approach.

She has implemented the project entitled „Biographical learning of parental roles of mothers”, which resulted in the publication that you can read here.

She gained her previous professional experience as a teacher, tutor, head of social care institution and specialist in work with families, a family tutor. 

Wife and mother of three daughters, enthusiast of cooking and cycling.

Rev. Bartłomiej Kuźnik, PhD – doctor of theology, column writer, poet; lecturer of rhetorics, homiletics and voice emission; specialist in the field of articulation, public speaking, communication and linguistic correctness; conducts research at the border of general and religious language as well as history and role of Christianity in France; he is a member of Polish Homiletists’ Association.

He is the author of the book Moją pustynią jest świat. Studium dorobku kaznodziejskiego księdza doktora Stanisława Bisty 1929-1985, Katowice 2017 and scientific articles dedicated to the etymology of words, linguistic archaisms and media. 

He cooperates with Polish Radio Katowice, Radio eM as well as social and cultural monthly magazine „Śląsk”. He previously cooperated with “Opokoa” website in 2022-2023. In 2019, he published his first book of poems called Więzi krwiste, for which he was awarded the Rev. Janusz S. Pasierb Prize. In 2022 he published the second volume called Wiklina.

His interests include the history and culture of France, Middle Ages, poetry and cinematography.

Bartłomiej Kuźnik
Aleksandra Kłos-Skrzypczak Aleksandra Kłos-Skrzypczak, PhD – sociologist and theologist by education, academic teacher by profession, wife and mother by choice. She is passionate about distant journeys, cycling and elephants. She is a great fan of Pawlak and Kargul families; an optimistic realist guided by the principle that there is never too late for three things in life: love, education and making dreams come true. Her main research interests include: history of moral theology in USA, American neoconservatism, mariage and family in the American society, as well as the activity of American pro-life movements.
Rev. Tomasz Gwoździewicz, PhD – specialist in moral theology; apart from theological studies finished with PhD degree, he also completed postgraduate studies in Family Life Education and Care-Educational Pedagogy. He is also an expert of the Ministry of National Education for professional promotion of teachers. He is a member of the Association of Moralist Theologists and Polish Familiological Association. He is a tutor of traineeships and teaching practices in the Family Studies programme. His scientific interests include ecumenical moral theology, theology of marriage and family with a particular focus on the families based on mixed marriages, social life issues and theological anthropology.

He is the author of the book Sieroctwo jako problem społeczny i moralny, Katowice 2020 and e.g. the following articles: Moral Upbringing in Families Based on a Mixed Marriage: the Catholic-Lutheran perspective, The Person and the Challenges: The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II, vol. 13, Art. no. 2, 2023, DOI: 10.15633/pch.13201; The Role of the Virtue of Religiosity in the Experience of Engagement, Religions, vol. 14, Art. no. 10, 2023, DOI: 10.3390/rel14101314; Wsparcie rodziny z doświadczeniem zaniedbania jako jednej z form przemocy prenatalnej, „Teologia i Moralność” Volumen 18 (2023), p. 97–110. DOI 10.14746/TIM.2023.34.2.7; Tanatokosmetyka wyrazem pietyzmu wobec zwłok ludzkich, „Teologia i Człowiek” 2023. Vol. 63, p. 45–59. DOI 10.12775/TiCz.2023.016. YouTube lecture: Wsparcie rodziny z doświadczeniem przemocy prenatalnej – aspekt teologiczny.

Gwoździewicz Tomasz
Wojciech Surmiak Rev. Wojciech Surmiak, PhD – doctor of theology in the field of moral theology. His scientific research is focused on the moral theology of social life and bioethical dimension of care for life and health. He is the Deputy Dean for Education and Students at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia. He is a member of the Polish Accreditation Committee, where he is included in the team for humanities, family studies and theology. He is also actively involved in the following scientific associations: European Society For Catholic Theology (member of Curatorium and head of the Polish Section) and the Association of Moral Theologians. He has been associated with the Family Studies programme since its establishment at the Faulty of Theology of the University of Silesia. He was the organiser and the first tutor of traineeships in the programme. He is the academic chaplain of scientific employees in the Katowice Archdiocese. As part of the academic pastoral teaching, for a couple of years he prepared future spouses for marriage by means of the dialogue method.

In his free time, he enjoys travelling around Poland and abroad. He is always willing to go to the places he doesn’t know yet, but there are also some he always wants to return to. He loves the natural architecture of landscape as well as the man-made architecture.

Rev. Rafał Dappa, PhD – canonist by education. He combines research work with practice. In the Gliwice Diocese, he is the deputy head of the bishop court and the bishop’s delegate for the protection of children and youth. His main interest is the subject of marriage, and in particular the marriages that have unfortunately collapsed; in the court he carries out litigations for annulment of marriage and the so-called „In favorem fidei” proceedings. He hears, listens and tries to help. Moreover, 10 years ago he was entrusted with cases related to sexual exploitation of minors. Marriage proceedings and protection of children and youth are two important areas of his scientific research. In his work at the University he tries to use his experience, sharing it with his students.
What do our graduates do? What do our graduates do?

Our graduates are characterised by a large amount of empathy and willingness to bring help for the weakest, excluded, as well as people and families in crisis. Many of the graduates find employment in family counselling centres, municipal social welfare centres and Caritas centres.

…, MA works as the family service assistant at Stowarzyszenie Nereusza in Ruda Śląska. He mainly works with families that handle various difficulties, runs developmental meetings for mothers, workshops for the entire families and therapeutic journeys. Aneta Góralska, MA works at the University Specialist Library at the Faculty of Theology. She specialises in domestic and international inter-library exchange and scientific output of the employees of the Faculty.
Contact us Contact us

Additional information is Weronika Juroszek, PhD, Secretary of the Faculty Admission Committee (weronika.juroszek@us.edu.pl)

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