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University of Silesia in Katowice

CYBER SCIENCE Silesian Centre for Legal Engineering, Technology and Digital Competence
Logo European City of Science 2024


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CYBER SCIENCE Silesian Centre for Legal Engineering, Technology and Digital Competence is a research and teaching consortium established by the University of Silesia in Katowice, Scientific and Academic Computer Network – NASK National Research Institute, University of Economics in Katowice and the Silesian University of Technology.

Contemporary scientific research as well as didactics require an interdisciplinary approach. In modern universities, both Western and Asian, there are more and more common units combining many fields of study that previously functioned separately.The combination of engineering, law, management and new technologies in the world around us is obvious, and it should also be so in the field of research and didactics.

about the centre

logo: University of Silesia in Katowice logo: Silesian University of Technology logo: University of Economics in Katowice logotyp Naukowej i Akademickiej Sieci Komputerowej – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego

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