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The ‘Equality and diversity in scientific research’ call for proposals has concluded

05.04.2023 - 13:12 update 21.08.2023 - 12:24
Editors: OO

The results of the ‘Equality and diversity in scientific research’ competition have been announced. Researchers representing 11 disciplines received support for activities such as own research, research and consultation trips, queries, participation in international conferences, development of artistic works, and translation and proofreading of texts to be published in high-scoring journals. The applications were assessed on their merits by reviewers representing the applicants’ disciplines or related disciplines. The following criteria were taken into account: compliance of the research topic with the competition objectives, originality of the research topic, scientific significance/value of the project, social impact, substantive value of the research activity, publication effect, and international research cooperation. Based on the evaluation, the appointed competition committee decided in a closed session to recommend for funding 18 out of 47 applications from various scientific disciplines and obtaining the highest scores.

The funded applications represented the following disciplines: philosophy (1), linguistics (1), literary studies (3), culture and religion studies (1), earth sciences (1), pedagogy (3), law (2), psychology (3), sociology (1), fine arts (1), and theology (1). In total, nearly PLN 100,000 was allocated to the projects, with the lowest grant amounting to PLN 2,500 and the highest to PLN 8,000.

The ‘Equality and diversity in scientific research’ call for proposals was organised as part of the Research Excellence Initiative programme of the University of Silesia in Katowice and the USil Gender Equality Plan. It contributes to the promotion of equality and diversity in research, the dissemination of the results of such research, and the development of international research cooperation on these issues. It is set to work in line with the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 and to increase the relevance and visibility of the University of Silesia, especially in the Horizon Europe programme.

List of funding recipients:

  1. Michał Apollo, PhD, A critical analysis of sex and STEM enrolment in higher education, discipline: earth sciences
  2. Dagmara Dobosz, PhD, Dyskryminacja w szkole a dobrostan uczniów – analiza potrzeb i możliwości przeciwdziałania z perspektywy nauczycieli i uczniów [Discrimination at school and student well-being — an analysis of needs and possible countermeasures from the perspective of teachers and students], discipline: education
  3. Pamela Hyży, MA, Mity o gwałcie [Rape myths], discipline: education
  4. Tomasz Kaliściak, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof., Organizacja seminarium naukowego pt. „Polska literatura queer” [Organisation of the scientific seminar entitled ‘Polish queer literature’], discipline: literary studies
  5. Aleksandra Kłos-Skrzypczak, PhD, The academic path of women in theological faculties. Polish and American Perspective, discipline: theology
  6. Anna Kołodziej-Zaleska, PhD, Zdrowie psychiczne kobiet w ciąży oraz po narodzeniu dziecka w Hiszpanii i w Polsce – staż naukowy [Mental health of women during pregnancy and after childbirth in Spain and Poland — scientific internship], discipline: psychology
  7. Dariusz Kubok, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof., Strategie na rzecz DEI wobec wartości myślenia krytycznego [Strategies for DEI and the value of critical thinking], discipline: philosophy.
  8. Wojciech Kukuczka PhD, Oczekiwanie, discipline: fine arts
  9. Aleksandra Kunce, PhD, DLitt, Śląsk – poraniony etnos [Silesia — wounded ethos], discipline: culture and religion studies
  10. Dorota Nowalska-Kapuścik, PhD, Stereotypy i uprzedzenia wobec starości w doświadczeniu kobiet i mężczyzn [Old age stereotypes and prejudices as experienced by women and men], discipline: sociology
  11. Mateusz Paliga, PhD, Zaufanie do robotów i poczucie własnej skuteczności a robostres doświadczany przez operatorów. Znaczenie różnic płciowych [Trust in robots and the sense of own efficiency and the stress experienced by the robot operator], discipline: education
  12. Sabina Pawlik, PhD, Doświadczenie uczenia (się) – rekonstrukcje biografii edukacyjnej studiujących osób ze spektrum autyzmu [Learning and teaching experiences — reconstructions of the educational biography of students on the autism spectrum], discipline: education
  13. Magdalena Półtorak, PhD, Wdrażanie Planów Równości Płci w polskich uczelniach i instytucjach naukowych [Implementing Gender Equality Plans in Polish universities and scientific institutions], discipline: law
  14. Olga Przybyla, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof., Edukacja równościowa w kształceniu polonistycznym – rozpoznania i dobre praktyki [Equality education in Polish studies — identification of issues and good practices], discipline: linguistics
  15. Agnieszka Skorupa, PhD, Różnice międzypłciowe w skutecznej adaptacji do analogowych misji kosmicznych – analiza grupowych i indywidualnych wskaźników psychologicznych [Gender differences in efficient adaptation to analog missions], discipline: psychology
  16. Katarzyna Szopa, PhD, Sprawiedliwość reprodukcyjna w świetle współczesnych teorii feministycznych [Reproductive justice in light of modern feminist theories], discipline: literary studies
  17. Bożena Turzyniecka, MA, Narrative and gender in the fairy tales of German women writers of the late 18th and early 19th century. Research issues, state of research, perspectives, discipline: literary studies
  18. Jakub Zwierzchowski, MA, Równość płci w polskim środowisku paraolimpijskim – badania pilotażowe, [Gender equality in Polish paralympic community — pilot studies], discipline: law

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