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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Logo European City of Science 2024

Q&A on admissions and studies – 28 May

21.05.2024 - 13:29 update 21.05.2024 - 14:16
Editors: mb
For 24 hours, starting from 28 May 9 a.m., candidates and students will be able to ask questions related to recruitment and studies on Instagram Stories on our official profile on Instagram.


The questions will be answered by the team consisting of specialists from the Education Department, the Candidate and Alumni Office and the Student Service Centre.


Anyone interested will be able to obtain information about:

  • the ongoing admission process;
  • admission criteria;
  • formalities related to the admission process;
  • student life and everything they need to know before starting studies.

We will be waiting for your questions on 28 May from 9.00 a.m.!
You can ask your questions here: https://instagram.com/uniwersytetslaski?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== 

⇒ Remember
– in the Story Highlights on our Instagram profile you can check out the answers to questions form the Q&A we organised last year!


Zobacz nasze miasta akademickie!





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