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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Memories from film shooting in Cafe Kattowitz

05.01.2023 - 15:48 update 10.07.2023 - 12:03
Editors: agatasoldrowska

On  September 7, together with the Media Communication Centre and the School of Polish Language and Culture, we have completed recording the material for the last of five films created as a part of the Come2US project.

The aim of these short films is to minimize the culture shock experienced by new employees who come to a new country not knowing its culture.

The recorded materials concern Polish customs, celebrations and work at the university, as well as rules of the Polish savoir vivre. The films have been created based upon the experiences acquired by the School of Polish Language and Culture in their work with foreigners.

The films recorded in English will also have Polish subtitles. They will help  foreign employees to understand Polish traditions, dos and don’ts and contexts, to avoid possible misunderstandings, and, by that, facilitate their integration in the new environment.

We would like to thank Cafe Kattowitz (ul. Św. Jana 7, Katowice) for their cooperation and a great atmosphere. Exceptional interiors, delicious coffee and the traditional dessert „Szpajza” allowed to experience and capture the character of Silesia.

We also want to thank the employees of CenterMed Bocheńskiego (ul. Feliksa Bocheńskiego 38, Katowice) for making their institution available for recording of the fourth film about healthcare. Thank you for your contribution to makie the employees from abroad feel more confident in our country.

A man with a camera records three people in the cafe / Mężczyzna nagrywa za pomocą kamery trzy osoby siedzące przy stoliku w kawiarni

Photo from the “Come2US” project archive


A man with a camera records three people in the cafe / Mężczyzna nagrywa za pomocą kamery trzy osoby siedzące przy stoliku w kawiarni

Photo from the “Come2US” project archive

Film about Polish and Silesian customs in cafes and restaurants was shot in a nice place: Cafe Kattowitz

A man records a man and a woman going along the main street in summer / Mężczyzna nagrywa kamerą kobietę i mężczyznę idących ulicą latemPhoto from the “Come2US” project archive

Our actors take a walk along the street looking at the city centre

A man with a camera records three people in the cafe by the window / Mężczyzna nagrywa za pomocą kamery trzy osoby siedzące przy stoliku w kawiarni przy okniePhoto from the “Come2US” project archive

Shooting a film can also be an opportunity to try some of the local specialities, for example “szpajza”

A man recording a couple going down the steps with Spodek building in the background / Mężczyzna nagrywający parę schodzącą ze schodów. W tle Katowicki SpodekPhoto from the “Come2US” project archive

Our actors walking in the old-new part of Katowice

A man recording two people going along the wide street in summer / Mężczyzna nagrywający dwoje ludzi idących szeroką ulicą w letni dzieńPhoto from the “Come2US” project archive

Peter, our filming specialist accompanied the actors everywhere

Two men and a woman smiling and talking at the cafe table / Dwóch mężczyzn i kobieta uśmiechających się i rozmawiających przy stoliku w kawiarniPhoto from the “Come2US” project archive

Tristan, Marie and Michał could find out how it is to be a star. They also had a lot of fun 

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„Come2US – profesjonalizacja i centralizacja obsługi pracowników zagranicznych w Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach”
Projekt finansowany przez Narodową Agencję Wymiany Akademickiej w ramach programu Welcome to Poland (2020).

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