First workshop in the Welcome2US project
On the 22nd of March, as a part of the Welcome2US project, we organized the first workshop for the employees from abroad and the university employees working with foreign staff.
We have over 70 employees from 33 countries at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Their presence enriches the university community not only in terms of research and teaching but also in terms of culture. However, despite our efforts to create a friendly work atmosphere, we must reckon with the risk of intercultural misunderstandings.
Therefore, as a part of the Welcome2US project, we have decided to organize the workshops entitled “Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication in the Academic Environment”. During the workshop, conducted by Ms Małgorzata Pelczar – the Certified Business Trainer, through discussions, lectures, and interactive games, the concept of culture, the nature of stereotypes and the ways to fight with them have been explained. The participants could learn how to create trust in the intercultural academic environment.
The newly acquired knowledge and practical skills will make work at the university more comfortable for both the foreign staff and their Polish colleagues who work with them daily.
The Welcome2US project is funded by the National Agency of Academic Exchange as a part of the Welcome to Poland 2022 Programme.
During the workshop the good atmoshpere help to learn inerpersonal and intercultural communication.
The photograph of the participants with the trainer.