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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Logo European City of Science 2024

Outdoor Game “Discover Silesia” in Cieszyn

09.07.2024 - 14:07 update 10.07.2024 - 10:28
Editors: agatasoldrowska

University of Silesia is present in four cities: Katowice, Chorzów, Sosnowiec and Cieszyn. Cieszyn is significantly further from the remaining three, so we chose it as our destination while organizing another integration meeting in the Welcome2US project.

On the 5th of July our group arrived in Cieszyn not only to sightsee but to play the outdoor game to learn about the city and this part of Silesia really well! Three mysterious persons awaited us at the town hall, and after a short introduction, they led us through the city and made us realize different tasks, thanks to which we could meet each other better and learn to cooperate.

After a few hours, quite tired but happy, we went for dinner and a quick rest. Then, two employees of the Cieszyn faculty of the University of Silesia: the Faculty of Arts and Educational Science, showed us the world of art, lithography, stained glass window creation, and sculpture. We did not know this face of the University of Silesia, and this sightseeing needed to be longer!

We returned to Katowice tired from the adventures and the heat of the day but closer to each other and eager to go for the next integration meetings.

The Outdoor Game „Discover Silesia” in Cieszyn has been organized as a part of the Welcome2US project financed by the National Agency of Academic Exchange.

A group of people in the town square with their bodies positioned as the Cieszyn inscription. Grupa ludzi na rynku miasta stojących w pozycjach, z których układa się napis "Cieszyn"Photo from the Welcome2US archive

A group of people on the sunny street. Grupa ludzi na słonecznej ulicy.Photo from the Welcome2US archive

A group of people listening to the game guide. Grupa ludzi słuchająca instrukcji przewodnika gry.Photo from the Welcome2US archive

A woman going in the direction of the castle tower in the park. Kobieta idąca przez park w kierunku wieży.

Photo from the Welcome2US archive

A group of people going along the cobbled street. Grupa ludzi idąca wybrukowaną uliczką.Photo from the Welcome2US archive

The Cieszyn Rotunda. Rotunda w Cieszynie.Photo from the Welcome2US archive

Two women and a man in the stain glass workshop bent over cut glass. Dwie kobiety pochylone nad cięciem szkła w pracowni witrażu i przyglądający się im mężczyzna.Photo from the Welcome2US archive

Small group of people in the workshop looking at the woman holding a pane of glass. Niewielka grupa w pracowni patrząca na kobietę rozdzielającą dwa kawałki szyby.Photo from the Welcome2US archive

A group of people listetning o the guide, standing next to the towe-like monument. Grupa ludzi słuchająca przewodnika stojąca obok studni obudowanej na kształt wieży.Photo from the Welcome2US archive

A group of people in the town square with their bodies positioned as the Cieszyn inscription. Grupa ludzi na rynku miasta stojących w pozycjach, z których układa się napis "Cieszyn"Photo from the Welcome2US archive

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