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University of Silesia in Katowice

  • Polski
  • English
Faculty of Natural Sciences
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Studies in Geography are 10-semester 1st and 2nd cycle Bachelor’s degree studies. The main idea of education in this field is to acquire knowledge in physical and socio-economic geography. Geography students learn to understand and interpret the proper functioning of the environment in space and time, to use the results of analyses and information about natural and anthropogenic phenomena or processes on a local and global scale. They discover the interdependencies between elements of the natural environment and human activity, learn to use databases, learn about modern methods of cartographic imaging using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). 

What courses are included in the curriculum? There are geoecology, regional geography of the world, meteorology and climatography, soil science, geomorphology and many, many more. The possibility of laboratory and field classes during holiday months in Poland and abroad is an interesting way to liven up the studies.

Geography graduates may use the acquired knowledge and skills in travel agencies, research centres, national park offices, and regional development agencies. Additionally, our degree programme offers a major in teaching: within Bachelor’s degree studies, you may obtain teacher’s qualifications for primary school; and within Master’s degree studies, students who have completed teaching training during their Bachelor’s have the chance to obtain teacher’s qualification for all schools.

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