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[porządek alfabetyczny]:

  1. Albrecht Monika; Göttsche Dirk: Bachmann-Handbuch : Leben – Werk – Wirkung’ eISBN: 9783476056672
  2. Álvarez Josefa: Tradición clásica en la poesía de Aurora Luque: Figuras, formas e ideas; eISBN: 9788484728818
  3. Álvarez-Blanco Palmar, Dorca Toni (red.): Contornos de la narrativa española actual (2000-2010). Un diálogo entre creadores y críticos. 2011 eISBN: 9783954870424
  4. Amelina Anna, Nergiz Devrimsel D., Faist Thomas, Schiller Nina Glick: Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Cross-Border Studies’ ISBN: 9780415899628
  5. Amiran Eyal, Modernism and the Materiality of Texts; ISBN: 9781107136076
  6. Amsden Dora, Hokusai; ISBN: 9782212560077
  7. Animals in Religion: Devotion, Symbol, and Ritual. eISBN: 9781780236056
  8. Animal Kingdom of Heaven: Anthropozological Aspects in the Lae Antique World [ed. Ingo Schaaf]. eISBN: 9783110602357
  9. Angier Carole: Speak, Silence: In Search of W. G. Sebald, 2021, eISBN: 9781526634788
  10. A Possible Anthropology: Methods for Uneasy Times, ISBN 9781478003113
  11. Baker Mona; Saldanha Gabriela: Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies 9781138933330
  12. Barton John Cyril, Huston Kristin N.: „Transatlantic Sensations”; eISBN: 9781317008149
  13. Baynham Mike. 2019. Translation and Translanguaging; eISBN: 9781351657877
  14. Becker-Cantarino Barbara: Bettina von Arnim Handbuch; eISBN:  9783110260939
  15. Being Australian: Narratives of National Identity, Catriona Elder; ISBN: 9781741149289 eISBN:9781000248890
  16. Berman Joshua A.: Created Equal: How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political Thought; eISBN: 9780199705504
  17. Bermann Sandra; Porter Catherine: A Companion to Translation Studies, 9780470671894
  18. Bloes Cindy: Frauenfiguren in der phantastischen Literatur der Romantik. Frauenkonzeptionen aus der männlichen Perspektive. eISBN: 9783346294791
  19. Bould Mark: The Anthropocene Unconscious Climate Catastrophe Culture, 2021, eISBN: 9781839760488
  20. Böhme Hartmut: Topographien der Literatur: Deutsche Literatur im transnationalen Kontext. eISBN: 9783476055712
  21. Bölts Stephanie: Krankheiten und Textgattungen: Gattungsspezifisches Wissen in Literatur und Medizin um 1800. eISBN: 9783110423051
  22. Bradford Richard: A Companion to Literary Biography; eISBN: 9781118896280
  23. Brambilla Chiara, Laine Jussi, Bocchi Gianluca: Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making; ISBN: 9781472451460
  24. Brand Marcel: Das Frauenbild in Schneewittchen. Weibliche Märchenmotive in Volksmärchen. eISBN: 9783346098726
  25. Brantly Susan: The Historical Novel, Transnationalism, and the Postmodern Era: Presenting the Past,Taylor & Francis (Unlimited) (Routledge); eISBN: 9781315386454
  26. Broomhall Susan, Lynch Andrew: A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Late Medieval, Reformation, and Renaissance Age. eISBN: 9781350090927
  27. Butler Octavia E.: Kindred (2004); eISBN: 9780807083703
  28. Camartin Iso: Iso Camartin Kindler Kompakt: Schweizer Literatur;  eISBN:9783476055170
  29. Carretero Mario: Documentos de identidad : La construcción de la memoria histórica en un mundo global. eISBN: 9789874817587 
  30. Castonguay Stephane, Evenden Matthew: Urban Rivers: Remaking Rivers, Cities, and Space in Europe and North America. eISBN: 9780822977940
  31. Castro Olga. 2013: Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts; eISBN 9781137507815
  32. Classen Albrecht: Water in Medieval Literature: An Ecocritical Reading; ISBN: 9781498539845 eISBN: 9781498539852
  33. Clingman Stephen: The Grammar of Identity: Transnational Fiction and the Nature of the Boundary. eISBN: 9780191557361
  34. Coleman Simon: The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Anthropology, ISBN 9780415583954
  35. Cooper Anthony, Tinning Søren: Debating and Defining Borders: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives; ISBN: 9780815357179
  36. Cordingley Anthony: Self-Translation: Brokering Originality in Hybrid Culture; eISBN: 9781441147295
  37. Cultural Practices and Material Culture in Archaic and Classical Crete: Proceedings of the International Conference, Mainz, May 20-21, 2011; ISBN: 9783110331646; eISBN:9783110390025
  38. Dabrowski Patrice M.: The Carpathians: Discovering the Highlands of Poland and Ukraine. eISBN: 9781501759697

  39. Dawidowski Christian: KLG Extrakt – Popliteratur der 1990er und 2000er Jahre; eISBN:9783869166964
  40. Debora Vogel Edited by Anastasiya Lyubas: Blooming Spaces: The Collected Poetry, Prose, Critical Writing, and Letters of Debora Vogel. eISBN: 9781644693926
  41. De Giafferri, Paul Louis: Women’s Costume of the Ancient World: 700 Full-Color Illustrations; eISBN 9780486138688
  42. De Groot Jerome: Consuming History: Historians and Heritage in Contemporary Popular Culture; eISBN: 9781317277958
  43. De Groot Jerome: Remaking History: The Past in Contemporary Historical Fictions, Taylor & Francis (Unlimited) (Routledge); ISBN 9780415858779
  44. Der Andere als Herausforderung: Konzeptionen einer neuen Verantwortungsethik bei Lévinas und Butler; Carla Schriever; eISBN 9783839442098
  45. Detering, Heinrich: Menschen im Weltgarten: Die Entdeckung der Ökologie in der Literatur von Haller bis Humboldt. ISBN: 9783835336261 – eISBN 9783835344518
  46. Díaz Navarro Epicteto: Ensayos sobre narrativa española contemporánea (1989-2018). eISBN:9783964569301
  47. Duerbeck Gabriele; Stobbe Urte; Zapf Hubert; Zemanek Evi: Ecological Thought in German Literature and Culture; eISBN 9781498514934
  48. Duncan Dennis, The Oulipo and Modern Thought; ISBN: 9780198831631
  49. Eaglestone Robert, Brexit and Literature : Critical and Cultural Responses. ISBN:9780815376682, eISBN:9781351203173
  50. Fasselt Rebecca, Sandwith Corinne (red.): The Short Story in South Africa: Contemporary Trends and Perspectives. Routledge 2022. eISBN: 9781000562408 
  51. Faust-Handbuch: Konstellationen – Diskurse – Medien; Carsten Rohde; Thorsten Valk; Mathias Mayer; eISBN 9783476053633
  52. Fletcher Angus: Wonderworks: The 25 Most Powerful Inventions in the History of Literature. eISBN: 9781982135997
  53. Focillon Henri, Hokusai, le fou génial du Japon moderne: Essai sur l’art; ISBN: 9782350742946
  54. François Lesure: Claude Debussy: A Critical Biography; eISBN: 9781787444515
  55. Franks Hallie M.: The World Underfoot: Mosaics and Metaphor in the Greek Symposium; eISBN:9780190863173
  56. Friederike Eigler: Heimat, Space, Narrative: Toward a Transnational Approach to Flight and Expulsion; ISBN: 9781571139030
  57. Fuller John, The Sonnet; ISBN: 9781138283251
  58. Fuller Matthew, Weizman Eyal: Investigative Aesthetics Conflicts and Commons in the Politics of Truth, 2021, eISBN: 9781788739108
  59. Gabler Hans Walter, Text Genetics in Literary Modernism and Other Essays; ISBN: 9781783743636
  60. Gasparov Boris, Beyond Pure Reason: Ferdinand De Saussure’s Philosophy of Language and Its Early Romantic Antecedents; ISBN: 9780231112123
  61. Gayle Nicholas: Conrad and the Being of the World: A Reading in Speculative Metaphysics. eISBN: 9781527579156
  62. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur Bd. 10: Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1918 bis 1933; eISBN: 9783406708046
  63. Godberry Andrea, Cartesian Poetics: The Art of Thinking; ISBN: 978022672297
  64. Gómez Benet Nuria, Lavin Mónica, Sefchovich Sara: El cuerpo femenino y sus narrativas. eISBN: 9786070296840
  65. Hallowed Stewards: Solon and the Sacred Treasurers of Ancient Athens; ISBN:9780472119424; eISBN:9780472120574
  66. Hampton Gregory J.; Parker Kendra R.: The Bloomsbury Handbook to Octavia E. Butler. eISBN:  9781350079649   
  67. Harding Sue-Ann i in. 2018. Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture; eISBN: 9781317368496
  68. Harper Mihaela P.; Kambourov Dimitar : Bulgarian Literature As World Literature. ISBN:  9781501348105
  69. Hazeldine Tom: The Northern Question: A History of a Divided Country, Verso. 2020, 9781786634061
  70. Heidelberger-Leonard Irene: Peter Weiss: Neue Fragen an alte Texte. eISBN: 9783663057215
  71. Hellenistic Architecture and Human Action. A Case of Reciprocal Influence. Edited by Annette Haug & Asja Müller. eISBN 9789088909115
  72. Henke Ina: Weiblichkeitsentwürfe bei E.T.A. Hoffmann : »Rat Krespel«, »Das öde Haus« und »Das Gelübde« im Kontext intersektionaler Narratologie. eISBN: 978311067575
  74. Hogan Patrick Colm: Style in Narrative: Aspects of an Affective-Cognitive Stylistics; Oxford University Press. 2021; ISBN:9780197539576; eISBN:9780197539583
  75. Hogrebe Wolfram: Das Zwischenreich (τὸ μεταξύ). eISBN:9783465145257
  76. Hogrebe Wolfram: Szenische Metaphysik. eISBN: 9783465143871 
  77. Hogrebe Wolfram: Duplex. Strukturen der Intelligibilität. eISBN: 9783465143437  
  78. Hogrebe Wolfram: Philosophischer Surrealismus. eISBN: 9783110348453 
  79. Hogrebe Wolfram: Der implizite Mensch. eISBN: 9783050063300
  80. Hogrebe Wolfram: Metaphysische Einflüsterungen. eISBN: 9783465242970
  81. Hohenstein Svenja: Girl Warriors: Feminist Revisions of the Hero’s Quest in Contemporary Popular Culture; eISBN 9781476637396
  82. hrsg. von Zeno Ackermann und Sabine Schülting: Shylock nach dem Holocaust: Zur Geschichte einer deutschen Erinnerungsfigur. eISBN: 9783110258219
  83. Humphries, Mark: Cities and the Meanings of Late Antiquity; eISBN 9789004422612
  84. Eating and Believing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vegetarianism and Theology. Red.  David Grumett, Rachel Muers. eISBN: 9780567461803
  85. Janés Clara: María Zambrano. Desde la sombra llameante; eISBN: 9788498415001
  86. Jarvis R., Romantic Writing and Pedestrian Travel. eISBN: 9780230371361
  87. Jones Joseph E., Genetic Criticism and the Creative Process: Essays from Music, Literature, and Theater; ISBN: 9781580463171
  88. Jordana Jacint, Keating Michael, Marx Axel, Wouters Jan: Changing Borders in Europe: Exploring the Dynamics of Integration, Differentiation and Self-Determination in the European Union; ISBN: 9781138588820
  89. Karch Brendan Jeffrey: Nation and Loyalty in a German-Polish Borderland: Upper Silesia, 1848–1960; ISBN: 9781108487108
  90. Kellman Steven G., Lvovich Natasha: The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translingualism. eISBN: 9780429298745
  91. Kirkpatrick Russell: Silent Sorrow. eISBN: 9781925956566
  92. Konstruktion von Geschlecht und Identität. 'Gender Crossing’ in Heinrich von Kleists 'Penthesilea’. eISBN: 9783346557186
  93. Korte Hermann: KLG Extrakt Schweizer ‘Klassiker’ seit 1945; eISBN: 9783869166902
  94. Koskinen Kaisa; Pokorn Nike K. 2021. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Ethics; eISBN 9781000288988
  95. Kosmala Kinga: Ryszard Kapuściński, Reportage and Ethics or Fading Tyranny in the Narrative, eISBN:9783653015911    
  96. Kostrzewska-Adam Katarzyna: Das preußisch-polnische Verhaeltnis und der Positivismus: Eine kultursoziologisch-postkoloniale Revision; eISBN 9783631809013
  97. Lahl Kristina: Das Individuum im transkulturellen Raum: Identitätsentwürfe in der deutschsprachigen Literatur Böhmens und Mährens 1918-1938. eISBN: 9783839427484
  98. Laine Jussi, Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W.: Post-Cold War Borders: Reframing Political Space in Eastern Europe; ISBN: 9781138590151
  99. Larrington Carolyne: All Men Must Die: Power and Passion in Game of Thrones; eISBN: 9781350141544
  100. Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State; ISBN:9780226711348; eISBN:9780226711515
  101. Malm Andreas and The Zetkin Collective: White Skin, Black Fuel On the Danger of Fossil Fascism, 2021, eISBN: 9781839761751
  102. Mathios Benedicte, Le sonnet et les arts visuels: dialogues, interactions, visibilité; ISBN: 9783034310208
  103. McWilliams John: Revolution and the Historical Novel; Rowman & Littlefield Publishing (Lexington Books); eISBN: 9781498503280
  104. Mehring Reinhard: „Kafkanien“. Carl Schmitt, Franz Kafka und der moderne Verfassungsstaat. Dekonstruktion und Dämonisierung des Rechts. eISBN: 9783465145899
  105. Mesa Sara: Perrita Country. eISBN: 9788483936788
  106. Meyer Marion: Bausch Pina: The Biography; eISBN:  9781783199907
  107. Mora Vicente Luis: Pasadizos; eISBN 9788483931196
  108. Moreno-Nuño Carmen: Haciendo memoria :Confluencias entre la historia, la cultura y la memoria de la Guerra Civil en la España del siglo XXI. eISBN: 9783964568793
  109. Moskalewicz Marcin, Przybylski Wojciech:  Understanding Central Europe; ISBN: 9780415791595; eISBN: 9781351654517
  110. Mrozik Agnieszka; Stanislav Holubec; Historical Memory of Central and East European Communism. 2018; eISBN: 9781351009263
  111. Murcia Abel: Poesía a contragolpe: antología de poesía polaca contemporánea (autores nacidos entre 1960 y 1980); eISBN: 9788415538578
  112. Nannicelli Ted; Pérez Héctor J.: Cognition, Emotion, and Aesthetics in Contemporary Serial Television. eISBN: 9781000478754
  113. Nellist, Christina: Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Animal Suffering: Ancient Voices in Modern Theology; eISBN:9781527520288
  114. Nieves Muriel García: La luz de las palabras: estudio sobre la poesía española contemporánea desde el pensamiento de la diferencia sexual; eISBN: 9788436265828
  115. Nuttall Sarah: Entanglement Literary and Cultural Reflections on Post-apartheid. eISBN: 9781868146321
  116. Papers on Quintilian and Ancient Declamation. Michael Winterbottom; Francesca Romana Nocchi; Giuseppe Russo; Antonio Stramaglia. eISBN 9780192573056
  117. Pehe Veronika. 2020. Velvet Retro : Postsocialist Nostalgia and the Politics of Heroism in Czech Popular Culture. eISBN: 9781789206296
  118. Peitsch Helmut: Reisen nach Auschwitz und Anthologien Letzter Briefe, 1945–1975: Eine literarische Beziehungsgeschichte von Antifaschismus in BRD und DDR. eISBN: 9783050095851
  119. Performance, Memory, and Processions in Ancient Rome: The Pompa Circensis From the Late Republic to Late Antiquity; eISBN:9781316693773
  120. Perinbanayagam Robert: The Rhetoric of Emotions: A Dramatistic Exploration. eISBN: 9781412863674
  121. Pethes Nicolas, Dias-Hargarter Manjula: Cultural Memory Studies: An Introduction; ISBN: 9781527533110
  122. Pettinger lasdair, Youngs Tim, The Routledge Research Companion to Travel Writing. eISBN: 9781317041191
  123. Popescu Gabriel: Bordering and Ordering the Twenty-first Century: Understanding Borders; ISBN: 9780742556218
  124. Portugal: A Traveller’s History, Livermore, H. V.; ISBN: 9781843830634; eISBN: 9781846152375
  125. Purtschert Patricia; Lüthi Barbara; Falk Francesca: Postkoloniale Schweiz: Formen und Folgen eines Kolonialismus ohne Kolonien; eISBN: 9783839417997
  126. Rak Julie: False Summit: Gender in Mountaineering Nonfiction. eISBN: 9780228007722
  127. Rapp Christof: Rhetorik; ISBN:9783050037011, eISBN:9783050048864
  128. Rau Milo: Globaler Realismus / Global Realism: Goldenes Buch I /Golden Book I; eISBN:9783957323644
  129. Regan Stephen, The Sonnet; ISBN: 9780192893079
  130. Reitinger Elisabeth; Vedder Ulrike; Pepetual Mforbe Chiangong: Alter und Geschlecht : Soziale Verhältnisse und kulturelle Repräsentationen. eISBN: 9783658208721
  131. Richardson: Essays in Narrative and Fictionality. eISBN: 9781527571464
  132. Riepl-Schmidt, Maja: Therese Huber (1764–1829) – «Ich will Weisheit tauschen gegen Glueck»: Ein Leben als Bildungsroman; eISBN: 9783653068481
  133. Rilkes Korrespondenzen; Alexander Honold; Irmgard M. Wirtz; eISBN: 9783835343962
  134. Ritter Nicola: Auswirkungen der Globalisierung auf Kultur und Gesellschaft und ihre Darstellung im Spielfilm 'Babel’. Eine Filmanalyse. eISBN: 9783668961029
  135. Rothwell K.: Aristophanes’ Wasps. eISBN: 9780190878757
  136. Rosillo-López, Cristina: Communicating Public Opinion in the Roman Republic; eISBN 9783515121736
  137. Ruys Juanita Feros, Champion Michael W.: Before Emotion: The Language of Feeling, 400-1800. eISBN: 9780429662836
  138. Rüdiger Zymner; Achim Hölter: Handbuch Komparatistik: Theorien, Arbeitsfelder, Wissenspraxis; eISBN: 9783476053077
  139. Saldanha Gabriela; O’Brien Sharon: Research Methodologies in Translation Studies. ISBN: 9781909485006
  140. Salyer Matthew C.: Brokering Culture in Britain’s Empire and the Historical Novel, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing (Lexington Books); eISBN: 9781498562911
  141. Sartor Genevieve, James Joyce and Genetic Criticism: Genesic Fields; ISBN: 9789004364271
  142. Sasaki Ryuji: A New Introduction to Karl Marx: New Materialism, Critique of Political Economy, and the Concept of Metabolism; eISBN 9783030529505
  143. Schimanski Johan, Wolfe Stephen F.: Border Aesthetics: Concepts and Intersections; ISBN: 9781785334641
  144. Schmalzgruber Hedwig: Speaking animals in Ancient Literature. eISBN: 9783825379285
  145. Schlünder Susanne, ChihaiaMatei: Extensiones del ser humano. Funciones de la reflexión mediática en la narrativa actual española. eISBN: 9783954872343
  146. Schwartz Agatha: Gender and Modernity in Central Europe: The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Its Legacy; ISBN: 9780776607269; eISBN:9780776618975
  147. Scott James W.: A Research Agenda for Border Studies; ISBN: 9781788972734
  148. Shelley’s Eye: Travel Writing and Aesthetic Vision, Benjamin Colbert; ISBN: 9780754604853; eISBN: 9781351900416
  149. Skilled Labour and Professionalism in Ancient Greece and Rome; ISBN: 9781108839471; eISBN:9781108880879
  150. Smethurst P., Travel Writing and the Natural World, 1768-1840. eISBN: 9781137030368
  151. Smil Vaclav: Grand Transitions: How the Modern World Was Made, 2021, eISBN: 9780190060671
  152. Staley David J.: Historical Imagination; eISBN 9781000336061
  153. Stelling Lieke: Religious Conversion in Early Modern English Drama; ISBN: 9781108477031; eISBN: 9781108755429
  154. Stelzig Eugene, Romantic Autobiography in England, eISBN: 9781317061625
  155. Stereotypen weiblicher Figuren in den Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm. eISBN: 9783346095381
  156. Still Alexandria: Forster, Durrell, and Cavafy. Jane Lagoudis Pinchin. eISBN: 9781400870714
  157. Stockwell Peter: Cognitive Poetics An Introduction, 2019, eISBN: 9780367854546
  158. Stone Katherine: Women and National Socialism in Postwar German Literature: Gender, Memory, and Subjectivity. eISBN: 9781787441019
  159. Studying Transcultural Literary History, ed. Gunilla Lindberg-Wada, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2006. eISBN: 9783110920550
  160. Thompson C.W.: French Romantic Travel Writing: Chateaubriand to Nerval, eISBN: 9780191642029
  161. The Contemporary British Historical Novel: Representation, Nation, Empire. M. Boccardi. eISBN 9780230240803
  162. The Dome of Eden: A New Solution to the Problem of Creation and Evolution. eISBN: 9781630874223
  163. The Idea of Central Europe: Geopolitics, Culture and Regional Identity; Otilia Dhand; ISBN: 9781784538538, eISBN:9781838609412
  164. The Power of Individual and Community in Ancient Athens and Beyond: Essays in Honour of John K. Davies; ISBN: 9781910589731; eISBN: 9781910589922
  165. The Rhetoric of Unity and Division in Ancient Literature; ISBN: 9783110609790; eISBN:9783110609868
  166. The Routledge Companion to Narrative Theory. Edited By Paul Dawson, Maria Mäkelä; eISBN: 9781000576351
  167. The Treatment of the War Dead in Archaic Athens: An Ancestral Custom; ISBN: 9781350151543; eISBN: 9781350151550
  168. Tomlinson Sally, Education and Race From Empire to Brexit; ISBN:9781447345824, eISBN:9781447345831
  169. Translating the Literatures of Small European Nations, Rajendra Chitnis; Jakob Stougaard-Nielsen; Rhian Atkin; Zoran Milutinovic; Publication Information: Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2020, 9781789620528
  170. Travel and Identity: Studies in Literature, Culture and Language, Jakub Lipski; ISBN: 9783319740201; eISBN: 9783319740218
  171. Travel Writing From Black Australia: Utopia, Melancholia, and Aboriginality; Robert Clarke; ISBN: 9780415729208; eISBN: 9781317914747
  172. Travel Writing in the Nineteenth Century: Filling the Blank Spaces, Tim Youngs; ISBN: 9781843312185 eISBN: 9781843317692
  173. Travelers, Immigrants, Inmates : Essays in Estrangement, Bartkowski Frances; ISBN: 9780816623617; eISBN:9780816685554
  174. Travitsky Betty S., The Poets, II: Mary Fage: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 11; ISBN: 9781840142242
  175. Tretow Christine, Gier Helmut: Caspar Neher — Der größte Bühnenbauer unserer Zeit : *11.4.1897 Augsburg – † 30.6.1962 Wien. eISBN: 9783322833006
  176. Uspenskii M. V., Hiroshige; ISBN: 9781844843749
  177. Vaage Margrethe Bruun: The Antihero in American Television. eISBN: 9781317503170
  178. Van Houtum H., Berg Eiki: Routing Borders Between Territories, Discourses and Practices; ISBN: 9781138720626
  179. Vaupel Angela (Ed.): Borders, Memory and Transculturality; ISBN: 9783643909084
  180. Victorian literature, energy, and the ecological imagination. Allen MacDuffie Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781107064379
  181. Victorian Sustainability in Literature and Culture. Edited By Wendy Parkins, eISBN: 9781317002109
  182. Victorian Writers and the Environment. Ecocritical Perspectives. Edited By Laurence W. Mazzeno, Ronald D. Morrison. Published July 5, 2019 by Routledge, eISBN 9781317002024 
  183. Vidmar Horvat Ksenija: Peripheral Europe: On Transitology and Post-Crisis Discourses in Southeast Europe; ISBN: 9781527558601
  184. Vogt Jochen: Erinnerung, Schuld und Neubeginn: Deutsche Literatur im Schatten von Weltkrieg und Holocaust. eISBN: 9783035306019
  185. Ward John O.: Classical Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: The Medieval Rhetors and Their Art 400-1300, with Manuscript Survey to 1500 CE; eISBN:9789004368071
  186. Watson N., Literary Tourism and Nineteenth-Century Culture. eISBN: 9780230234109
  187. Wär ich allmächtig, ich würde retten, retten: Aufsätze zur Gottesfrage in der deutschen Literatur. eISBN: 9783170349759
  188. Weis Margaret, Hickman Tracy: Dragons of a Fallen Sun. eISBN: 9780786954483
  189. Weisl Angela Jane: Gale Researcher Guide For: Modern Medievalisms: The Fantasy Hero and Heroine on Screen and in Young Adult Fiction. eISBN: 9781535852067
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  194. Wolfe Cary: What Is Posthumanism?; eISBN:978081667079
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  196. Xenophon and the Athenian Democracy: The Education of an Elite Citizenry. Matthew R. Christ. eISBN 9781108852739
  197. Zelená Alena: Autobiographische Fragmente in der modernen deutschen Literatur: Selbstinszenierungen des Ich in den Grenzfaellen des Autobiographischen. eISBN: 9783631736685
  198. Zambrano María: Filosofía y poesía, eISBN: 9786071610409
  199. Zanker, Andreas Thomas: Metaphor in Homer : Time, Speech, and Thought; eISBN:9781108650939
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  202. Zumbusch Cornelia: Was Keine Geschichte Ist: Vorgeschichte Und Literatur Im 19. Jahrhundert. eISBN: 9783662628966
  203. Zunshine Lisa: The Secret Life of Literature. eISBN: 9780262367646

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