Anna Czarnowus
ORCID: 0000-0003-2832-1351
- 2014: habilitacja w dziedzinie literaturoznawstwo, UŚ (tytuł monografii: Fantasies of the Other’s Body in Middle English Oriental Romance)
- 2005: doktorat w dziedzinie literaturoznawstwo, UŚ (tytuł rozprawy doktorskiej: Representations of the Figure of a Monstrous Child in Middle English Literature (rekomendowana do druku))
- 2001: magisterium w zakresie filologii angielskiej, UŚ (tytuł pracy magisterskiej: Motherhood and Paternity in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”)
Główne zainteresowania badawcze:
- mediewalizmy globalne i kolonialne
- literatura średnioangielska
- historia emocji
Najważniejsze publikacje:
Monografie autorskie
- Fantasies of the Other’s Body in Middle English Oriental Romance (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013); recenzja: Lesley Coote, Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny LXIV/1 (2017), 116-118.
- Inscription on the Body: Monstrous Children in Middle English Literature (Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2009); recenzja: Agatha Hansen, Romanica Silesiana 5 (2010), 302-304.
Książki redagowane
- New Zealand Medievalism: Reframing the Medieval. Ed. Anna Czarnowus and Janet M. Wilson. London and New York: Routledge 2024.
- Memory and Medievalism in George R.R. Martin and Game of Thrones: The Keeper of All Our Memories. Ed. Anna Czarnowus and Carolyne Larrington. London: Bloomsbury, 2022.
- From Richardson to Atwood: Medievalism in English Canadian Literature. Ed. M.J. Toswell and Anna Czarnowus. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2020.
- Marvels of Reading: Essays in Honour of Professor Andrzej Wicher. Ed. Rafał Borysławski, Anna Czarnowus, and Łukasz Neubauer. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2015.
- Traverser les frontières. Mélanges offerts au Professeur Krzysztof Jarosz/Crossing Borders. Studies in Honour of Professor Krzysztof Jarosz. Ed. Anna Czarnowus et Joanna Warmuzińska-Rogóż. Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2014.
Najważniejsze artykuły i rozdziały w książkach
- “The Medievalist Emotional Economy in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire”, Memory and Medievalism in George R.R. Martin and Game of Thrones, ed. Carolyne Larrington and Anna Czarnowus (London: Bloomsbury, 2022). 137-146.
- (with Carolyne Larrington) “Introduction”, Memory and Medievalism in George R.R. Martin and Game of Thrones, ed. Carolyne Larrington and Anna Czarnowus (London: Bloomsbury, 2022). 1-8.
- “Harsh, Violent, and Muddy,” or Ale, Wine, and Liquor in Adam Thorpe’s Hodd” in Beer and Brewing in Medieval Culture and Contemporary Medievalism, ed. John A. Geck, Rosemary O’Neill, and Noelle Phillips (Cham: Springer Nature, 2022). 363-388.
- “Medievalism of Emotions in King Lear”, Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation,
- Appropriation and Performance 23 (38)/ 2021. 187-202.
- John Lydgate’s Guy of Warwick and Fifteenth-Century Emotions, Studia Anglica Posnaniensia
- 56 (2021). 209-233.
- “Echoes of Medieval and Pre-Modern Animal Trials in the Interlude Declamatio sub forma iudicii (1735), Romanica Silesiana 20 (2021), Reception,
- (with M.J. Toswell) “English Canadian Medievalism” in Medievalism in English Canadian Literature: From Richardson to Atwood: Medievalism in English Canadian Literature, ed. Anna Czarnowus and M.J. Toswell (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2020). 1-16.
- “John Richardson’s Wacousta, or the Transfer of Medievalist Romance” in From Richardson to Atwood: Medievalism in English Canadian Literature, ed. Anna Czarnowus and M.J. Toswell (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2020). 52-65.
- “Lancelot and Guenevere in the Inter-War Period, or the Medievalisms of Evelyn Waugh’s Handful of Dust and Ezra Pound’s Canto VI” in The Medieval Presence in the Modernist Aesthetic: Unattended Moments, ed. Carole M. Cusack and Simone Marshall (Leiden: Brill, 2017). 152-168.
- “Greening the Anglo-Saxons in Paul Kingsnorth’s The Wake”. Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny XLV/4 (2018). 531-543.
- “The Legend of Janosik and the Polish Novel about Robin Hood as Continuations of the Medieval Outlaw Tradition” in Robin Hood and the Outlaw/ed Literary Canon, ed. Lesley Coote and Alexander L. Kaufman (New York and London: Routledge, 2019). 167-183.
- “Litanic Tradition in Of on that is so fayr and bright and the Harley Ms The Five Joys of Mary”. Terminus. Vol. 18. No 1 (2016). 1-16.
- “The Mongols, Eastern Europe, and Western Europe: The Mirabilia Tradition in Benedict of Poland’s Historia Tartarorum and John of Plano Carpini’s Historia Mongalorum”. Literature Compass. Vol. 11. No 7 (2014). The Global Middle Ages. Ed. Geraldine Heng and Lynn Ramey. 484-495.
Anna Czarnowus
ORCID: 0000-0003-2832-1351
- 2014 D.Litt. in literary studies; Habilitationschrift title: Fantasies of the Other’s Body in Middle English Oriental Romance
- 2005 PhD in literary studies from the Comparative Literature Department, University of Silesia (Katowice); dissertation title: Representations of the Figure of a Monstrous Child in Middle English Literature (highly commended for publication)
- 2001 MA from the Department of English, University of Silesia (Katowice); thesis title: Motherhood and Paternity in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”
- global and colonial medievalisms
- Middle English literature
- the history of emotions
Najważniejsze publikacje:
- Fantasies of the Other’s Body in Middle English Oriental Romance (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013); review: Lesley Coote, Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny LXIV/1 (2017), 116-118.
- Inscription on the Body: Monstrous Children in Middle English Literature (Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2009); review: Agatha Hansen, Romanica Silesiana 5 (2010), 302-304.
- New Zealand Medievalism: Reframing the Medieval. Ed. Anna Czarnowus and Janet M. Wilson. London and New York: Routledge 2024.
- Memory and Medievalism in George R.R. Martin and Game of Thrones: The Keeper of All Our Memories. Ed. Anna Czarnowus and Carolyne Larrington. London: Bloomsbury, 2022
- From Richardson to Atwood: Medievalism in English Canadian Literature. Ed. M.J. Toswell and Anna Czarnowus. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2020.
- Marvels of Reading: Essays in Honour of Professor Andrzej Wicher. Ed. Rafał Borysławski, Anna Czarnowus, and Łukasz Neubauer. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2015.
- Traverser les frontières. Mélanges offerts au Professeur Krzysztof Jarosz/Crossing Borders. Studies in Honour of Professor Krzysztof Jarosz. Ed. Anna Czarnowus et Joanna Warmuzińska-Rogóż. Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2014.
- “The Medievalist Emotional Economy in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire”, Memory and Medievalism in George R.R. Martin and Game of Thrones, ed. Carolyne Larrington and Anna Czarnowus (London: Bloomsbury, 2022). 137-146.
- (with Carolyne Larrington) “Introduction”, Memory and Medievalism in George R.R. Martin and Game of Thrones, ed. Carolyne Larrington and Anna Czarnowus (London: Bloomsbury, 2022). 1-8.
- “Harsh, Violent, and Muddy,” or Ale, Wine, and Liquor in Adam Thorpe’s Hodd” in Beer and Brewing in Medieval Culture and Contemporary Medievalism, ed. John A. Geck, Rosemary O’Neill, and Noelle Phillips (Cham: Springer Nature, 2022). 363-388.
- “Medievalism of Emotions in King Lear”, Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation,
- Appropriation and Performance 23 (38)/ 2021. 187-202.
- John Lydgate’s Guy of Warwick and Fifteenth-Century Emotions, Studia Anglica Posnaniensia
- 56 (2021). 209-233.
- “Echoes of Medieval and Pre-Modern Animal Trials in the Interlude Declamatio sub forma iudicii (1735), Romanica Silesiana 20 (2021), Reception,
- (with M.J. Toswell) “English Canadian Medievalism” in Medievalism in English Canadian Literature: From Richardson to Atwood: Medievalism in English Canadian Literature, ed. Anna Czarnowus and M.J. Toswell (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2020). 1-16.
- “John Richardson’s Wacousta, or the Transfer of Medievalist Romance” in From Richardson to Atwood: Medievalism in English Canadian Literature, ed. Anna Czarnowus and M.J. Toswell (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2020). 52-65.
- “Lancelot and Guenevere in the Inter-War Period, or the Medievalisms of Evelyn Waugh’s Handful of Dust and Ezra Pound’s Canto VI” in The Medieval Presence in the Modernist Aesthetic: Unattended Moments, ed. Carole M. Cusack and Simone Marshall (Leiden: Brill, 2017). 152-168.
- “Greening the Anglo-Saxons in Paul Kingsnorth’s The Wake”. Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny XLV/4 (2018). 531-543.
- “The Legend of Janosik and the Polish Novel about Robin Hood as Continuations of the Medieval Outlaw Tradition” in Robin Hood and the Outlaw/ed Literary Canon, ed. Lesley Coote and Alexander L. Kaufman (New York and London: Routledge, 2019). 167-183.
- “Litanic Tradition in Of on that is so fayr and bright and the Harley Ms The Five Joys of Mary”. Terminus. Vol. 18. No 1 (2016). 1-16.
- “The Mongols, Eastern Europe, and Western Europe: The Mirabilia Tradition in Benedict of Poland’s Historia Tartarorum and John of Plano Carpini’s Historia Mongalorum”. Literature Compass. Vol. 11. No 7 (2014). The Global Middle Ages. Ed. Geraldine Heng and Lynn Ramey. 484-495.