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Instytut Literaturoznawstwa
Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024

Max Ritter

28.11.2024 - 11:31, aktualizacja 28.11.2024 - 11:31
Redakcja: annaszumiec

Max Ritter, PhD phil., Assistant Professor at the Institute of Literary Studies

Max Ritter read Byzantine studies and Classical archaeology at Freie Universität Berlin and National Kapodistrian University Athens, before moving on to JGU Mainz. After working on the economics of Byzantine pilgrimage in his PhD (defended in 2017, published as a monograph in 2019), his research revolved around Constantinople’s building culture and Procopius’ writings in the sixth century. This has yielded one monograph, one edited volume and several articles, and he continues to work on the topic. To that end, he has spent fellowships at Boğaziçi University (2022) and ANAMED (2023–2024) in Istanbul.

Most recently his research shifted towards Byzantine concepts of nature, notably focusing on marine environments, to contribute a comprehensive understanding of Byzantium as a seafaring culture. As his interest lies also in material culture and public outreach, he is participates in archaeological work in Türkiye and is involved in the curation of a museum exhibition in Cyprus.

Understanding the cultural complexity of Byzantium is Ritter’s aspiration, which encompasses its economy, culture, and material aspects. Accordingly, he strives to contribute to various domains within the cultural history of Late Antiquity to the Middle Byzantine period (fifth–twelfth century).

ORCID: 0000-0001-8782-6961

Research interests:

Byzantine pilgrimage, economic history of Byzantium, Byzantine building culture, late antique and Byzantine historiography, Byzantine Paphlagonia and Pontos, History of Venetian Cyprus


  1. Zwischen Glaube und Geld: Zur Ökonomie des byzantinischen Pilgerwesens (4.–12. Jh.). Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 16. Mainz 2019 [= dissertation thesis].
  2. Co-authored with E. Turquois and M. Whiting, Fashioning Sixth-Century Constantinople: Text, Translation and Commentary of Book I of the Buildings by Prokopios of Kaisareia. Studies in Byzantine Cultural History. London (Routledge, in 2025).

Edited volumes:

  1. Co-edited with E. Turquois (eds.), Imagery and Aesthetics of Late Antique Cities. Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive 44. Turnhout (Brepols, in 2025).

Peer-reviewed articles:

  1. The Date of Procopius’ Buildings and the Collapse of the First Dome of Hagia Sophia: A Reassessment. Byzantion 94 (2024)
  2. The Byzantine Cave Monastery in the Ilgarini mağarası (Paphlagonia) – The Chryse Petra of Nikon Metanoite? Anatolian Studies 74 (2024) 195–221.
  3. The Michaelion of Anaplous, Torn asunder: In an attempt to reassemble. Antiquité Tardive 31 (2023) 305–323.
  4. Justinianus Eponymus: Überlegungen zur letzten Glanzzeit kaiserlicher Namensverleihungen an Städte. Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (2022) 287–340.
  5. The Byzantine Afterlife of Procopius’ Buildings. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 75 (2021) 143–169.
  6. Naval Bases, Arsenals, Aplekta: Logistics and Commands of the Byzantine Navy (7th–12th c.), in: J. Preiser-Kapeller, T. Kolias and F. Daim (eds.), Seasides of Byzantium: Harbours and Anchorages of a Mediterranean Empire. Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 21. Mainz 2022, 197–218.
  7. Inspired by the Same Desire? Divergent Objectives, Routes and Destinations of Byzantine Monks and Latin Pilgrims from the 8th to the 11th Centuries, in: O. Delouis, M. Mossakowska-Gaubert and A. Peters-Custot (eds.), Les mobilités monastiques en Orient et en Occident de l’Antiquité tardive au Moyen Âge (IVe–XVe siècle). Rome 2019, 275–309.
  8. Do ut des: The Function of Eulogiai in the Byzantine Pilgrimage Economy, in: A. Collar and T. Myrup Kristensen (eds.), Pilgrimage and Economy in the Ancient Mediterranean (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 192). Leiden 2020, 254–284.
  9. Famagusta and its Environs in the Venetian Period: The Foundation of the Monastery of Ayia Napa and the Origin of its Fountain, in: M. Parani and M. Olympios (eds.), The Art and Archaeology of Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus (1192–1571): Recent Research and New Discoveries. Turnhout 2019, 125–144.
  10. Co-authored with E. Laflı and C. Lightfoot: Byzantine Coins from Hadrianoupolis in Paphlagonia. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 40 (2016) 187–206.
  11. Die vlacho-bulgarische Rebellion und die Versuche ihrer Niederschlagung durch Kaiser Isaakios II. (1185–1195). Byzantinoslavica 71 (2013) 162–210.

Peer-reviewed articles:

  1. Co-authored with D. B. Erciyas and A. Çivilidağ, The 3rd Century-Crisis and Beyond at Comana, in: S. Branting et al. (eds.), Archaeology of Anatolia 5: Recent Discoveries (2021–2022). Cambridge 2025, in print.
  2. Pilgrimage Writings in the Byzantine and Orthodox Tradition (300–1550 CE), in: P. Booth, M. Boyle and R. Aist (eds.), (Holy Land) Pilgrimage Texts, c.300–1550. Cambridge 2025, in print.
  3. The City Foundations of Justinian between Imagery and Reality through the Lens of Justiniana Prima and Caput Vada, in: M. Ritter and E. Turquois (eds.), Imagery and Aesthetics of Late Antique Cities. Turnhout 2025, in print.
  4. Byzanz und die islamische Welt, 7.–13. Jahrhundert, in: M. Häberlein and M.A. Denzel (eds.), Handbuch globale Handelsräume und Handelsrouten von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin 2024, 195–227.
  5. Vier byzantinische Bleisiegel aus der Grabung Pompeiopolis (Paphlagonien), in: A. Bosselmann-Ruickbie et al. (eds.), Byzanz am Rhein: Festschrift für Günter Prinzing anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstags. Wiesbaden 2023, 175–188.
  6. Procopius’ Buildings and the Collapse of the First Dome of Hagia Sophia: A Reassessment, in: Z. Kurşun, A. İ. Aydın (eds.), 2nd Intern. Hagia Sophia Symposium, 27–29 May 2022. Istanbul 2023, 385–406.
  7. Co-authored with C. Sode, Echte und falsche Demensiegel. Mit einem Parergon zum Numeron der Ambianenses, in: I. Grimm-Stadelmann, A. Riehle, R. Tocci, M. M. Vučetić (eds.), Anekdota Byzantina: Studien zur byzantinischen Geschichte und Kultur. Festschrift für Albrecht Berger anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags. München 2023, 617–639.
  8. Wohltätige Fremdenherbergen in byzantinischer Zeit: Xenodocheia und ihre Vorsteher (5.–12. Jh.), in: E. Kislinger and D. Ariantzi (eds.), Marginalisation and Subculture Groups: Prostitutes, Actors, and Tavern-Keepers in Byzantium (6th–12th c.). Vienna 2025, in print.
  9. The Byzantine Coins Found at Pompeiopolis (Paphlagonia) during the Excavation Campaigns of 2010–16 and their Significance in the Anatolian Context, in: L. Summerer, J. Koch and P. Johnson (eds.), Contextualizing Pompeiopolis: Urban Development in Roman Anatolia from a Comparative Perspective. Stuttgart 2025, forthcoming.
  10. A Desire against all Odds and Difficulties? The Presence of Chalcedonian Pilgrims in Early Muslim Jerusalem, Seventh to Tenth Century, in: F. Daim et al. (eds.), Pilgrimage to Jerusalem: Journeys, Destinations, Experiences across Times and Cultures. Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 19. Mainz 2020, 87–107.
  11. Co-authored with L. Körntgen, Einleitung, in: L. Körntgen et al. (eds.), Byzanz und seine europäischen Nachbarn: Politische Interdependenzen und kulturelle Missverständnisse. Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 17. Mainz 2020, 7–10.
  12. Cyprus and the Great Western Schism: A Re-Evaluation of the Obedience(s) of the Latin Church of Cyprus at the Time of the Great Western Schism (1378–1417) on the Basis of Documents in the camera apostolica in the Vatican Archives (ASV), Επετηρίς Κέντρου Επιστημονικών Ερευνών Κύπρου 39 (2016–18) 217–255.
  13. Panegyric Markets in the Byzantine Empire and their Role in the Byzantine Pilgrimage Economy (5th–12th c.), in: D. Ariantzi and I. Eichner (eds.), Für Seelenheil und Lebensglück: Das byzantinische Pilgerwesen und seine Wurzeln. Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 10. Mainz 2018, 367–382.
  14. The End of Late Antiquity in Paphlagonia: Desurbanization from a Comparative Perspective, in: K. Winther-Jacobsen and L. Summerer (eds.), Landscape Dynamics and Settlement Patterns in Northern Anatolia during the Roman and Byzantine Period. Stuttgart 2015, 119–133.
  15. Co-authored with F. Çevik: Pompeiopolis Nekropolü Yüzey Araştırması (Paflagonya). Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 30 (2012) 169–182.

Lexicon entries and companion texts:

  1. Co-authored with N. Asutay-Effenberger, S. Kolditz and J. Pahlitzsch: Das byzantinische Verständnis der Welt, in: F. Daim (ed.), Byzanz: Historisch-kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch. Der Neue Pauly, Supplemente 11. Stuttgart 2016, 1085–1096. Translation into EN:
  2. Theodore the Younger and Nicetas the Younger, in: D. Thomas and A. Mallett (eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, 5 (1350–1500). Leiden 2012, 145–146 and 709–711.

Reviews and conference reports:

  1. Review of: G. Kardaras, Byzantium and the Avars, 6th–9th Century AD: Political, Diplomatic and Cultural Relations. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 70 (2022) 213–215.
  2. Review of: C. Papavarnavas, Gefängnis als Schwellenraum in der byzantinischen Hagiographie: Eine Untersuchung früh- und mittelbyzantinischer Märtyrerakten. Südost-Forschungen 80 (2021) 398–402.
  3. Review of: A. Dahlmann, Zwischen Bischof und Gemeinde: Die Entwicklung von der Märtyrerverehrung zum Reliquienkult im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert. The Byzantine Review 02/2020.15.
  4. Review of: A. Madgearu, The Asanids: The Political and Military History of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185–1280). Südost-Forschungen 76 (2017) 341–347.
  5. Co-authored with R. Hippchen: Tagungsbericht zum Historikertag 2012: Ressourcen – Konflikte – Regeln: Die Verteilung von Amt, Würde und Einfluss im Zeichen der Geldwirtschaft im westlichen Mittelalter und im Byzantinischen Reich. Mainz, in: H-Soz-u-Kult,

Research projects:

  1. National Science Center Project Beyond the Sacred: Conceptions of Nature in Byzantium (4th15th Centuries) UMO-2023/49/B/HS2/01572, led by Prof. Przemysław Marciniak (since Sep 2024)
  2. Postdoctoral Fellow at ANAMED, Istanbul (Oct 2023 – June 2024)
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher at JGU Mainz within the DFG (German Research Foundation) project Procopius and the Language of Buildings (Nov 2018 – Apr 2022)
  4. Postdoctoral Fellow at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul (May 2022 – Oct 2022)
  5. Postdoctoral Fellow at German Historical Institute, Rome (Dec 2016)
  6. Postdoctoral Researcher at JGU Mainz within the DFG (German Research Foundation) project Seaports as Intersections of the Maritime-Terrestrial Traffic of Passengers and Goods in the Byzantine Empire (May – Sep 2016)
  7. PhD scholarship at the RGZM Mainz within the Leibniz-research cluster For the Sake of Salvation and Happiness: Byzantine Pilgrimage and its Origins (May 2013 – Apr 2016)

International collaborations in field research and creative work:

  1. Excavations in Komana Pontike (northern Türkiye), notably assessment of coin and small finds, since 2022
  2. Conceptualisation and installation of a new museum in the Monastery of Ayia Napa (Cyprus), since 2010
  3. Excavations in Pompeiopolis (northern Türkiye), notably assessment of coin and small finds, 2011 – 2017


max ritter

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