Prof. dr hab. Przemysław Marciniak (1976) – profesor nauk humanistycznych, bizantynista, związany z Uniwersytetem Śląskim od czasów studiów na kierunku filologia klasyczna. Jego zainteresowania naukowe dotyczą literatury bizantyńskiej (szczególnie dwunastowiecznej), recepcji Bizancjum, humori i studiów nad (bizantyńskimi) zwierzętami. Był stypendystą Harvard University (Dumbarton Oaks Research Library), Princeton University, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, DAAD, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. Profesor wizytujący w Uppsali (2010, 2012-2013), Paryżu (2016), Monachium (2018) oraz Fryburgu Bryzgowijskim (2018-2019). W 2018 roku uhonorowany Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Forschungspreis przyznawaną przez Alexander von Humboldt Stuftung.
Wybrane publikacje:
- The Reception of Byzantium in European Culture since 1500. Eds. D. Smythe, P. Marciniak. Ashgate/Routledge Farnham 2016. ISBN 978-1-4724-4860-6.
- The paradoxical enkomion and the Byzantine reception of Lucian’s Praise of the Fly, Medioevo Greco 19 (2019), 141-151.
- A pious mouse and a deadly cat: The Schede tou Myos ascribed to Theodore Prodromos, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 57 (2017), 507-527.
- The Beard and its Philosopher. Theodore Prodromos on philosophic beards in Byzantium, (z J. Kucharskim), Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 41.1 (2017), 1-10.
- Reinventing Lucian in Byzantium, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 70 (2016), 209-224.
- Prodromos, Aristophanes and a lustful woman. A Byzantine satire by Theodore Prodromos, Byzantinoslavica 73 (2015), 23-33.
- Oriental as Byzantium. Some remarks on similarities between Byzantinism and Orientalism. In: Imagining Byzantium. Eds. A. Gietzen et al. Mainz 2018, 34-40.
- Katomyomachia as a Byzantine version of mock-epic. In: Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry: Text and Context. Eds. A. Rhoby, N. Zagklas. Brepols: Turnhout (z K. Warcabą), 97-110.
- Heaven for the Climate, Hell for the Companionship. Byzantine satirical katabaseis. In: Round Trip to Hades: Visits to the Underworld in the Eastern Mediterranean Tradition (Cultural Interactions in the Mediterranean). Eds. Gunnel Ekroth and Ingela Nilsson. Brill: Leiden 2018, 342-355.
W przygotowaniu:
- A Golden age of laughter? Satire and parody in the Middle Byzantine Period. Eds. P. Marciniak, I. Nilsson. Brill: Leiden 2020.
- A Cultural history of Byzantine animals (10th-12th centuries). Routledge: London 2021.
- Imagining Byzantium: The Reception of Byzantium in Modern Culture. Eds. M. Kulhankova, P. Marciniak. Bloomsbury: London 2022.
Prof. Przemysław Marciniak, PhD, DLitt
Professor in the Institute of Literary Studies
Faculty of Humanities
ORCID: 0000-0002-0898-1443ławMarciniak
Research interests:
Byzantine literature, satire, reception of Byzantium, animal studies
Recent research publications:
- Satire in the Middle Byzantine Period. The Golden Age of Laughter? Marciniak, I. Nilsson (eds.) (Brill: Leiden, 2020).
- Of false philosophers and inept teachers: Theodore Prodromos’ satirical writings (with a translation of the poem Against the old man with a long beard), Byzantina Symeikta 30 (2020), 131-147.
- Michael Haplucheir’s Dramation: A Reappraisal, Symbolae Osloenses 94 (2020), 1-17.
- Teaching Lucian in Middle Byzantium, Philologia Classica 2 (2019), 267-279.
- The paradoxical enkomion and the Byzantine reception of Lucian’s Praise of the Fly, Medioevo Greco 19 (2019), 80-94.
Research projects [selection]:
- The National Science Centre Project Opus 18: “Towards Byzantine Zoopoetics. Humans and Animals in Byzantium (the 10th-12th Centuries),” (2020-2024).
- The Loeb Classical Library Foundation Grant (the Harvard University) (2019—to date).
- The National Science Centre Project Opus 6: “An annotated translation of the corpus of the so-called Pseudo-Lucianic Dialogues,” (2014–2017).
- The National Science Centre Project Sonata Bis 3: ‘Intellectual History of 12th-Century Byzantium – Adaptation and Appropriation of Ancient Literature’, (2014–2019).