Doctoral students
A graduate of political science with a specialization in contemporary international affairs at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Silesia (2019) and law at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Silesia (2019). From 2019, a PhD student in politics and administration at the Doctoral School at the University of Silesia in Katowice. As part of his doctoral thesis, he is preparing a dissertation entitled: Information warfare in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation towards Poland in 2010-2020 under the scientific direction of Assoc. Prof. Miron Lakomy, Professor of the University of Silesia. The research focuses on determining the conditions, nature and implications of Russian warfare in Poland from 2010 to 2020.
His scientific interests relate primarily to: armed conflicts and international disputes, the activities of states in cyberspace, information technology security, international humanitarian law and space law.
Laureate of the 12th edition of Rector of the University of Silesia’s Awards and three times a scholarship holder of Rector of the University of Silesia’s scholarship for the best students.
Since 2014, he has been active in the Student Council of the University of Silesia, first as Vice President (2016-2018) and then as President (2018-2020) of the Student Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences. He was a Member of the Council’s Board and a President of the Didactic and Social Affairs Committee of the Student Council of the University of Silesia. Former member of the Senate of the University of Silesia, the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Council of the Institute of Political Sciences and Journalism, the Team for Ensuring the Quality of Education of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Team for the Quality of Education.
Emilie Szwajnoch realizes her doctoral dissertation in the field of political science and administration. She has graduated from philology studies – a Chinese-English translation programme at the University of Silesia in Katowice. During her master’s studies, she was granted a scholarship from the government of the People’s Republic of China to study the Chinese language at the Northeastern University in Shenyang. Her research interests include China’s domestic policy, with a special focus on security policy. Her dissertation will also include an international dimension of China’s domestic security policy.
Emilie Szwajnoch is a manager of the grant Preludium for the sum of 180 684 PLN, funded by the National Centre of Science. She realizes a scientific project entitled “China’s domestic security policy as an instrument of securitization of infrastructure projects implemented in Central Asia” (the project number: 2020/37/N/HS5/02910).
Apart from the research work, Emilie Szwajnoch is the president of the Doctoral Students’ Council at the University of Silesia in Katowice.
Supervisor: dr hab. Waldermar Wojtasik, professor at the University of Silesia
Auxiliary supervisor: Elżbieta Proń Ph.D.
Grant supervisor: dr hab. Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Glasgow)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6971-515X
Natalia Galica is a graduate of political sciences at the University of Silesia and the European Commission Master’s Program in Humanitarian Action (NOHA) at the University College Dublin, Ireland. During her master’s studies, she received three scholarships of the Ministry of National Education, the scholarship of the Marshal of Silesian Voivodeship, and the scholarship of the German Administration of Enzkreise. In 2010-2012 she was a studentship holder of Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, Great Britain. Her research interests include international migration and the multi-dimensional process of migrant integration, comparative analysis and research data management. She has conducted migration research in Ireland, the UK, and Germany. Her doctoral dissertation is devoted to the concept of political subjectivity of migrants in the transnational context. The study will be carried out in France, Italy and Spain. She is also an enthusiast of Open Science and currently, she is a participant of the first edition of Data Steward School in Poland organised under the patronage of GO FAIR International.
In addition to research, Ms Galica works as a specialist in the Evaluation Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Silesia. Previously, she worked as a project specialist for Katowice City Hall and Silesia Metropolis.
The first supervisor: dr hab. Agnieszka Turska Kawa, prof. UŚ
The second supervisor: dr hab. Robert Pyka, prof. UŚ
ORCID: 0000-0002-7148-8934
Ukończył studia licencjackie (2018) i magisterskie (2020) z Politologii na Wydziale Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. W latach 2020-2024 doktorant w Szkole Doktorskiej Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w obszarze nauk społecznych (nauki o polityce i administracji). Od października 2024 pracownik dydaktyczny (asystent) na WNS UŚ. Aktualnie przygotowuje się do obrony doktoratu.
W trakcie doktoratu prowadził badania dot. budżetu obywatelskiego w Polsce. Rozprawa pt.: „Modele i funkcjonowanie budżetów obywatelskich w Polsce w latach 2011-2021” została przygotowana pod opieką naukową dr hab. Małgorzaty Myśliwiec, prof. UŚ. W pracy zaprezentowana została szeroka charakterystyka teoretyczna budżetu obywatelskiego, a także wyniki badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w formie ankiet wypełnionych przez ponad 350 jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce.
Uczestnik konferencji i autor artykułów naukowych z zakresu budżetu obywatelskiego w Polsce, którego również jest aktywnym uczestnikiem w swoim mieście. Zainteresowania naukowe obejmują ponadto szeroko rozumianą tematykę administracji publicznej i samorządu terytorialnego, prawa administracyjnego, nauki o państwie i prawie, teorii demokracji i teorii zarządzania, a także lokalnych form partycypacji, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem budżetu obywatelskiego i jednostek pomocniczych w Polsce. W ostatnich latach prowadził zajęcia z nauki o państwie i prawie, administracji publicznej i postępowania administracyjnego.
Promotor: dr hab. Małgorzata Myśliwiec, prof. UŚ
The topic of my dissertation is: “Political leadership in the People’s Republic of China at the end of the 20th century and in the first two decades of the 21st century. Analysis of the governance styles of Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping”.
My research interests are issues related to contemporary China (internal and foreign policy, language, culture), political leadership, and also, what is connected with field of study I graduated from (Journalism and KS): the media, their role in political processes, agenda setting.
In 2019, I participated in the monthly “Contemporary Chinese Business and Culture” scholarship organized at the Beijing University of Technology.
Tural Asgarli has graduated from Baku State University (Azerbaijan) where he received his Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Economics in 2017. While doing his Bachelor’s degree, he received an Azerbaijani Government scholarship in the years 2016 and 2017. He has completed his Bachelor’s degree in 2017.
He has gained volunteer and internship experiences as a political analyst, decision-making, reporting, resource forecasting and business operations in the Journal of Economics and Political Science in Baku, Azerbaijan.
He has completed his Master’s degree at the University of Wroclaw (Poland) in 2020, where he received an Erasmus Plus scholarship and studied for one term at the University of Leipzig, (Germany) in 2018/2019. Specifically, he has chosen his Master thesis title “Economic Relations amid US-China: Trade Issues and Trade War,” focusing on political-economic relations amongst countries.
His research interest primarily focuses on political-economic relations, international organizations, international disputes, power and force in diplomacy, international law, armed conflicts and quasi-states.
ORCID: 0000-0002-0073-507X