DOI: 10.34916/el.2019.11.07
Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva, Todorka Glushkova, Vanya Ivanova University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of two tools for e-learning developed in the Virtual Physical Space (ViPS). The first one refers to the generation of test questions. It is used in the course of education of students majoring in Software Engineering at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) at the University of Plovdiv. The generation of the test questions is based on an ontology for UML, the processing of which is made by intelligent assistants. The second tool is called a Tourist Guide. It is intended to generate lessons in the area of cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria in conformity with ontologies, which are created according to the CCO (Cataloguing Cultural Objects) standard.
Keywords: e-learning, ontology, ViPS, test generation, tourist guide
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